
If men(fathers) had the sole decision over abortions would it be unfair?

by  |  earlier

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And if you considered it as totally oppressive and murder or killing of an unborn against the will of the mother, couldn't you then reverse it.

Then you would have a little insight as to how unfair abortion is against men.




  1. You are right. The way abortions are handled right now is totally unfair to men. (and babies)

  2. Abortion itself an unfair thing , no matter who takes decision.

  3. Yes it would be...unless of course men could carry babies.

    No insight......If you don't want to have your children aborted, have s*x with women that share your morals.  I personally could never have a child aborted....neither could my husband.

  4. If you feel so strongly about abortion, then it is YOUR responsibility to avoid intimate activities with women who do not share your views.

    If you choose to engage in s*x without knowing her position on abortion, you have only yourself to blame.

  5. Yes it would be unfair.

  6. Yes and I feel for what men have to go through at times.

    Sure, it's the woman's body, but once a life has been created and a man can imagine what the child may be, a little boy or girl, then what they go through by not being able to say anything at all is very hard for some men.

    Hopefully the couple can talk about the situation and reach a solution that will make both happy.

  7. Yes it would .

    I believe in the woman's right to choose - i.e. saying no before s*x. After that there should be no choice other than on medical grounds. A life is a life.

  8. Sorry. Western countries' human rights will never and can never force a woman to carry a pregnancy to term against her will.

    Incessantly whining about it is a waste of energy. Don't like the fact that biology put babies in women and not men? Take it up with your creator-entity.

    Until then, it's pointless. It's like the fact that you can't pick your electric company...a natural monopoly. Women get more control over pregnancy and childbearing because it's impossible and repugnant to give others a say in what happens to another individual's body.

    Time to get over it and move on.

  9. It's not about men or women, it's about whoever's body is in it.

    I'll let you in on a secret how you can NEVER get your heart broken. As you are so passionate how about talking to your partner BEFORE you drop your pants??

  10. Yes it would be unfair.

    Things like rape, incest and domestic abuse situations.  Why should a woman be forced to carry a child that she has had no choice of making?  Or where a partner has no interest in either her or the child's welfare?  Alas there is a (small) percantage of men who have abused their partner and would use the child as another from of abuse then not assist in the raising of the child or abuse both.

    Ditto for a medical condition (the baby will die prior to or shortly after birth).

  11. I'm glad the asker agrees with answersgeek when he says that forcing the mother isn't good. We simply can't force the mother due to biology which can't be helped. But it is unfair to force the father to pay for an unwanted child, as it is not a situation that can't be helped. Women do work, and women can (and should) pay if they want the child and the father doesn't.

    Abortion is for non-consensual pregnancies (if a woman had s*x and later withdrew the consent, that does NOT count. As answersgeek says, men aren't there to be taken for a ride. We've got feelings too) and for cases where the mother is endangered due to pregnancy. Otherwise, the man's opinion should at least be considered, and it should be legally mandatory for the woman to inform him about her decisions. I'd be gutted if I told my friends and bought stuff for the baby to find out she aborted a month ago without telling me.

    Men should have the right to opt out of financial responsibility. But nothing more. Men having the sole decision would be just as sexist as the current setup.

    EDIT: sam, of course you don't see anything wrong with the current set-up.

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    sam, you're free to interpret words the way you want, but I hardly think I or geek suggested this anywhere:

    "You are suggesting that a woman should have to have the child and give it up if she wants to 'opt out'. Therefore clearly you are both suggesting an extremely UNEQUAL solution."

    answersgeek said towards the end of his unedited answer (NOTED BY THE ASKER) that women shouldn't be forced to deliver babies, and that should be left to the law-makers.

    I think serious health effects are covered in medical necessity. And the only thing geek and I ever suggested here was that the man should be able to choose not to pay, and we take your time limit will.

    You're the perfect example of a feminist who's used to spinning everything said by anyone to make it sound misogynistic. If you read our answers carefully, you'll see that I'm right.

    You're free to interpret our answers as you like, but you can take out your frustrations on us through email instead of ranting in public.

    "Man = nothing. NOTHING. NO EFFECTS"

    Wow, you do seem oblivious to men's troubles. My wife showed me just how much men can never be affected by abortion or divorce. I lost half my bank account, and I'm now in a cheap apartment in some suburb, and I used to live in a big house in the heart of the city before.

  12. Go Sam.

    This idea where men can opt out will not happen.   Children deserve support from their fathers as well as their mothers.

  13. You got a point.

    I don't think forcing someone to agree on the murdering of his/her son is fair on any way. Both if its the father or the mother.

    Sadly the law is discriminatory to this respect.

    If the woman wants to murder her child, the law allows it. Even encourages. If the man wants it, he is looked as a murderer.

    If a woman wants to have the child it wont mater if the father wants it or not. He will be forced by discriminatory laws to pay for it for the next 18 years.

    The law has a double standard here. Which suggest that feminist where the force behind them. After all, the definition of equal for a feminist is the same as of Orwell in animal farm. "We are all equal, but some are more equal than others."

  14. If they were the only ones who could get pregnant, no. But this is not the case, obviously.

  15. if all the social and biological implications were transferred to the man it would be fair but otherwise it is not. The best way to deal with abortion as a problem is to make chilbearing, parenthood and singleparenthood unproblematic for people and allow them to reach their full potential. Not foist the whole issue of childcare upon women.

  16. If men can get pregnant, they can decide.  Until then, they should NEVER have any legal say in whether a woman does/doesn't get an abortion.  It's not a man/woman's a "who is pregnant?" thing.  Whoever is pregnant decides, because it is THEIR BODY that is on the line.

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