
If methane is your biggest worry do you have too much time on your hands?

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And are you eating too much chili?




  1. One hopes, sincerely, that you will be able to keep laughing heartily, as you slowly starve and asphyxiate to death.

    If planetary warming goes much further, all the billions of tons of methane currently trapped in the muds, swamps and tundras of the world, will be released into the atmosphere.

    Since methane is a greenhouse gas, much more so than carbon dioxide, this will almost certainly mean the end of all higher life forms on this planet, most certainly including us humans, who started the whole rotten business of planetary warming, with our fossil fuels and deforestations, in the first place.

  2. You are the living truth of that statement.

  3. Methane from the Canadian Arctic is a significant concern that has nothing to do with a f**t.

    The amount of methane and methane hydrate up there has more total energy than all of the remaining natural gas south of 60 degrees N.

    But if not extracted it can be an ecological disaster.

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