
If minimum wage in US was $15.00 per hour how much is BigMac?

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If all the employees at McDonalds made at least $15.00 dollars an hour and the managers upwards of $20.00 would they sell a big mac for under $5.00. If it cost a family of 4 $50.00 to eat at McDonald's how often could you go???




  1. how about when the ceo gets mega millions a year do they raise the price, no just when joe slob gets a nickle

  2. In reality they could have no problem paying their employees more. The people who own McDonalds surely aren't living off of welfare, there probably millionaires if not billionaires.

  3. If McDonald's wanted to stay in business because the minimum wage went up to $15 an hour, they would have to either raise their prices equivalently, or lay off some of the teenagers and/or illegals that they employ.

    Everyone thinks "Wow!  $15 an hour!", but they never think that that money has to come from somewhere in the employer's overhead costs.  And it usually comes out in the form of fewer entry-level jobs for teenagers, because the employer has to make cuts somewhere if the market won't bear an increase in prices.  

    If it cost me $50 to feed a family of four at McDonald's, McDonald's would never see me again.

    Jobs that pay minimum wage are NOT meant to be career choices.  They are starter jobs to allow a person to get into the job market, and give opportunity to later move on to better paying employment after gaining work experience.  

    Any person who started a job flipping burgers and intended to do that for a career (without moving up through management levels) should not expect to making the same money as someone with more ambition.  And he/she should not EVEN consider raising a family on such wages.

  4. In Alberta Canada, MacDonald's employees make $14.00 per hour starting wage. Big Macs are still around $3.00.

    Paying employees appropriate wages only means less profits for the already rich.

  5. A better question would be: What would be the cost of everything else?  Do you honestly think anyone would work anywhere for $8 when McDonald's is paying some boob that quit school in the 8th grade, $15 an hour? Buying a Big Mac for $12.00 would be just a minor problem compared to the havoc $15.00 would cause for the economy.

  6. this is a very good question, and makes quite a point. some people think that companies dont want to raise the minimum wage because they are greedy, but they fail to realize that profit takes care of other debts that are associated with keeping a business.

    I also co-sign with Big Jon, my friend would work at Starbucks while in law school. well, when she got her know what happened next.

  7. Thats what everybody just ignores about minimum wage, its a fraud. The price of everything goes up whenwages are forced up by the government, and it is not controlled by supply and demand. A big mack would probably cost 8.00 if minimum wage went up to 15.00 just a guess.

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