
If money or schooling wasnt an issue, what would your ideal job be?

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If money or schooling wasnt an issue, what would your ideal job be?




  1. A actor or Film Creator/Director/Producer Or Tv show creator/Producer Or a Plastic Surgery MD Or a lawyer.

  2. cutting rocks coz we would be like cave men.

  3. Computer Engineer

  4. Jobs are for middle class and poor people.

    And you don't need to have infinite money or schooling to become a millionaire, just the right mindset.

  5. working on the fair =P

  6. sitting at home and rating tv shows.

  7. bartending or waiter.

  8. MD

  9. I would be Emperor Of the world.

  10. Botanist

  11. I would become a teacher and maybe open my own school.

  12. movie director...

  13. I'm already doing my dream job - I'm a stay at home mom (at least for now). But I wish I could add writing to that, especially for kids. IMO, there's nothing like getting lost in a good book.

  14. I'd be a writer, as sad as it is. If you can do it well its fun and rewarding imo.

  15. playing baseball.not for the money although makin millions would be nice.i just simply love the game.

  16. being an editor for a respected company

  17. I would like to teach a course in Political Correctness at Kent State University where in the Spring of 1970, four students were murdered in cold blood and nine others shot, some paralyzed for life by the Ohio National Guard, for peacefully demonstrating against the escalation of the Viet Nam War by invasion of Cambodia,  ordered by then Gov. James Rhodes and Pres. Richard M. Nixon.

  18. Either an Forensic Psycologist or an Archeaologist.

  19. Ideally, I would be a bronze gear with 53 smooth teeth

    that fits perfectly into the great machine.

  20. a professional chill out in sweatpants and an open hawaiin shirt, get drunk, crack stupid jokes and have s*x all day guy

  21. I would love to be a chemist, or something comparable.  It just seems like such an interesting profession, and I aced Chem in school, so I've got a knack for it.  :)

  22. Running a resturant, or running my own sports team.

  23. a mom

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