
If money was no object would you move outside of Ireland?

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Where would you go to?

If you are not from Ireland would you move away from where you are from.




  1. if money were of no object i would move as far away from england as i could, but making sure i could still grow my own fields of ganja lol AND I WOULD BE KING!!!!!

  2. im rfom london but id move to ireland if money was no object its a beautiful country

  3. if i lived in Ireland i wouldent go anywhere!

  4. i will travle 168 countries......

  5. I would move to Ireland... I am infatuated with the country and culture.

  6. no, but i will have a house in every country in the world

  7. Nobody really knows until they are in that situation. We all have dreams but the reality is always different. However, I have moved abroad to Spain. The only consideration was a better life for me and my family. I'll never return.

  8. I would move to a warmer climate "in" the U.S. but I would not want to live in another country.  The down trodden masses

    are still trying to reach these shores, the land of the brave, and the home of the free, no matter how much we may talk about our politics and stuff, this is still the greatest country on earth!  I'm not putting Ireland down by any means we have a huge Irish population in the Chicago area, as can be attested to when we have one of the largest Saint Paddy's day parades and festival every year, and there are a lot of Irish in my family!

  9. What ever you do don't move! I moved to Japan 18 years ago and made a big big mistake. Move and you might regret it. Or entrap yourself like I have. I don't know about Hong kong but from others I've heard you  can't compare the beautity and open nature to Ireland  in general. From a guy who dreams of returning the UK and can't would of never ever in a million years of come here.

    You're going find if you do move just how great the Ireland people are! The grass is greener on the other side as the saying goes. And a saying never truer to my understand till recently. Do NOT move!

  10. yes

  11. I have never been outside of Ireland but I would like the experience of going someone new to explore. I would still like to come back home though.

  12. Yep! Matter of fact thats what Ive wanted to do for a long time now. Leave here and move to Ireland. I know some good people there. Doesnt matter which city or county. Id love to live there.  But I have some friends in Belfast and Derry so I guess I wouldnt really know much about other cities.

  13. No money being no object would probably be the reason i would stay.....but at the moment i feel i may need to go abroad to make the type of money I want to make

    However there would be alot of holidays involved to escape from the weather everytime it rained!!!lol

  14. I live in the US

    I would not move away.. All of my family and friends are here..

    I would miss them terribly..

  15. I would stay where I am, only I would build a new house, and set up a trust fund for the historical building that I caretake right now.

  16. i hav moved alot in my life but if i could live anywhere it would probably be somewhere like hong kong or new york

  17. I don't think I would ever permanently leave Ireland, it's my home and I'm surrounded by family and friends, but if money was no object I'd do lots of travelling.

  18. I have lived outside of Ireland, and it was good, but I was very happy to move back.

  19. Hi, I f money was no object, i would have a villa in Cyprus, (Pernera) and an apartment overlooking the River Liffey in Dublin.  I would not move from my hometown but i would enjoy going to my two holiday homes.

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