
If money was not an object, what job would you do?

by  |  earlier

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And I don't mean "professional mattress tester" or "professional TV watcher"! What job would get you out of bed in the morning, and make you excited to go to work?

When my kids are grown, I'd love to be a nanny. We had a bad experience with our nanny, and it made me realize how hard it is to find a good one, and I'd like to be that person for someone!




  1. I want  to work for one of those companys that rate Hotels & Resturants.

    What could be better than traveling for free and seeing all those places.

  2. video rental store - I wouldn't have to get up very early, could meet and converse with people who ask my opinion on video matters, dress casual, comfortable environment

  3. Sit here and answer questions all day. Yahoo Yahoo Ra Ra Ra

  4. i would love to be a cook !!

  5. i would want to be a stay at home mom, a housewife is the life for me!

  6. After money, my motivation is for a challenging role in a job. something that tests my capabilities, intellect and experience.

  7. id want to be a full time mum and a carer to the elderly. i wish there were more hours in the day

  8. Oh man, if money was not an object, then my job will be a retiree. Start a collection of fast cars, buy lots of stuff, donate lots to chairty. Yeah.. going a bit off topic lol.

  9. Bar maid. I do bar work part time right because I'm at university but if it paid better and was a more respected profession I'd do it forever!

  10. i would like to sell ice cream on a tropical beach

  11. i would love to work with poor kids or kids who have learning problems while studying and enable them to succeed in life.

  12. I'd be a missionary.  I'd love to move to a low-income neighborhood or third-world country, and invest love and hope into the hearts of the people there.

  13. Going away far....far away from this over-populated and practical world....with a caravan to search the new adventures, exploring many things as did Sir Richard Francis Burton....or work as mediator just like T.E.Lawrence....or even would like to go to a undeveloped rural area and try to teach the kids...just like Mr. Chips interacting with local students on many marvelous issues.

  14. I hope that in a couple of years when I've satisfied my family by getting a degree, I can disappear all over the world to be a musician. I could busk (what americans call street performing) on beaches, in rice-fields, in faraway cities.....*sigh*...

    I hope that can happen one day...

    Either that or move to somewhere very poor, like the favelas of brazil, and help people to the best of my abilities.

    I think a nanny is a really sweet one to want to be! =) you're right about how difficult it is to find a good one.

  15. sit on a beach sum where with a nice cold drink

  16. I want to open and operate a pool hall.

  17. I'd still go for the untainted classics. Fireman or Astronaut.

  18. i would always give my time to needy persons...also more and more time to teach people how to live friendly... and how to save the environment and make the earth pollution free..........and everywhere i would send the message of peace......... peace......N peace

  19. I'd love to compose music.. do arts with no limitations.. paint..  i dunno.. anything what is free to express and to never be bothered if I ever get famous or not.. just be myself and live for art and people around me

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