
If money wasn't an issue- how many children would you have?

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If money wasn't an issue- how many children would you have?




  1. It wouldnt change my opinion.

    I have 2 now. 3yo girl and 14mth old boy and sooo clucky for another so if it happens it happens.

    I dont feel complete with just 2 so 3 would be my Max

  2. 3 like I have right now.

  3. I think the same - two. Money is not the only issue involved. What about time that you devote to each one of them?

  4. Definitely 3, possibly 4.

    As of now, we are expecting #2 very soon.

  5. Me and MY baby have 8!!!

    7 boys 1 girl

    12, 11, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 2

    Wouldn't change it!

  6. Still only have had the 3.

    Its not the money stopping us having more, but the health.

    I would have loved one more!

  7. two, and thats all I will have either way. money or no money

  8. 1 billion, and i would enjoy making every one

  9. Money is an issue, of course, but more important is having the time to give each child the individual attention they need.  I come from a large family and whilst in one way it's great to have brothers and sisters, in another way we didn't really get the time and attention from our parents when we were kids because they were so busy just getting on with it.  For myself, I have two and I wouldn't want any more than that.

  10. No more than 2

  11. Like 5 or 6! I have 2 now and want a 3rd but my husband says no cause finances are tight....:(

  12. I have 3, but I would have loved to have 5.

  13. 5

  14. 4 is plenty, love 2 of each  Its a matter of time not money for me I think I can adequately give 4 my attention and time but 5 may be too many, I want them close together too If they were further apart maybe a lot more, but I want my life back at some

  15. The same amount as I have.

    What I wish I had more of was time - not money!

    As it is, I let each of my school children take one day off each school term for a one - on - one day where we go to lunch and do something special.

  16. 3 - one of each

  17. just the 2 I have. money would not change the fact that we feel or little family is just the rite size. mind you we would take a few more trips than we do now. I would love to show them all the places we read about.

  18. it doesnt matter i think how many kids people have as long as you take care of them give them heaps of love and just spend time with them money isnt everything i have 4 kids to boys and 2 girls they have everything i wanted at least another 2 but i cant of health reason

  19. The same - 3

  20. 10

  21. 2......if we had all the money in the world i might actually be able to talk my partner in to having another one:)

  22. Wow i would have plenty....heheheh ok for real now, i have two boys, but i would like to have a daughter.... but ya money is an issue in todays life.

  23. Absolutely none.

  24. 4!! At the mo I have 1 and she makes me poor!!

  25. I have 3 sons (and a step daughter who, unfortunately, i have never met). We'd like one more but in an ideal, money-issues-free world, we'd have another 3.

  26. At least 3, but unfortunately money is an issue so prob 2 :)

  27. I've already got 2 girls of my own, plus 2 step daughters and we are trying for one more. if money was not an issue then I would love to have 2 or 3 more (total of 5 of my own)

  28. Although money can be a problem. I think the more more children you have to look after, the harder it gets. So i'd probably just stick with the basic two, three or four. But probably still 2.  

  29. If money wasn't an issue I would love to have four.  Unfortunately money is not the issue infertility is so my son will grow up on his own not that we are complaining we are the luckiest people in the world. I would love four for the benefits of brothers and sisters I don't need more than one but I would like him to have a brother of sister

  30. it wouldn't matter still noy really my choice to have them if it happens then it does

    but I dealy 2

  31. Only as many as i could afford.

    Every subsequent child will be taking away from the one born before.

    Keep in mind future expenses when planning a family. I had four children. When we first bought our house we could afford it, and the kids on one income, but now inflation has risen to 4% it has practically doubled the cost of everything( even thought we haven't borrowed more) so now i have to work full time.

        Only have as many as you can comfortably afford and keep a good eye on your finances, leave the credit card for emergencies, that way you can always pay for medicines or future dental work.

         I wish you well

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