
If money were no object, how many children would you want to have?

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If money were no object, how many children would you want to have?




  1. WOW!!!! what a question,,,,,,now that there pretty much grown up I have a 16, 18 yr old boys and 20 yr old girl and they have turned out so good now I wish I would have had more,,,,,but I do kinda wish I would have had thrown a few more into the mix lol, seriously I have to admit I make some pretty gorgeous kids, and very talented as well, as I'm sure we all feel the same way, but ya know what that girl said above "none" I feel bad for her, the world isn't that bad, sure it has it's bad places and bad things happen, but it also has beautiful places and I don't think she has children because there is a joy that only a child can touch in our hearts that no-one else in this world can, and if you raise them right, well all you can do is the best you can and love them with all your heart and try to keep them out of those  bad places, I know I'm rambling but it's an amazing thing to know you made another human being, especially a good caring honest human being,

    oh you wanted a number I'm going to say 4 two of each, so I'm only short 1, but it is what it is right?

  2. I always wanted a boy and three girls. Doubtful that will happen now though.

  3. 4 or 5 and that is if I had a maid to cook and clean and I could be with my kids all the time and be at all their sporting events and school functions...that way I wouldn't have to worry about cleaning and cooking lol

  4. 6

  5. Two one of each - I have only one at the moment (a boy.)

  6. I think if I could I would want 5 =]

    3 girls and 2 boys.

  7. We have two children.  I always wanted another one but hubby said no as things were a bit tight.  Looking back on it I know that he was right but it will always be a regret of mine.  In answer to your question at least 3 and perhaps 4.  I'm not sure if I was starting out now though that I'd have the guts to have kids.  The world is a dangerous place.

  8. It's not about money, it's about my sanity.

    I would stop at 4.

  9. none

  10. 4. Because I love that number.

    But I may just only have 3. Because that is what i think I may have.

  11. We always wanted five and that's what we have.   We would have a bunch more if I didn't have to pregnant again.  I guess money does play a little into it because we would adopt more if it wasn't so expensive.

  12. None at all.

  13. 4, two of each to keep each other compnay.

  14. As many as I could handle without having to have someone else care for them.

    We have 5 planned (three are already with us!)

  15. 2, boy first then a girl

  16. I would have wanted four or five.  

  17. I would still only want two. I think that is all I could handle.

    Kudos to all who have more than that! Being a parent is hard work!

  18. If money wasn't an issue I would want to buy a big house and adopt children to add to my family.  I always wanted a large family.  

  19. i would have to say three two of my own and one adopted because someone has to love and support them to

  20. can give me a mansion, all the fast cars I could want and travel me around the world and I STILL wouldn't want a child

    child-free's the way to be

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