
If monkeys used to turn into men, why doesn't it happen any more?

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If monkeys used to turn into men, why doesn't it happen any more?




  1. The primate from which we evolved no longer exists.

  2. We share the same ancestor - we didn't evolve directly from the monkeys we know today.

  3. Because Man evolved from Man. We did not evolve from any other animal.

  4. I didn't see one correct answer.  Those that pretend to know we don't have a monkey in our ancestry are simply wrong.  Old world monkeys and new world monkeys had a common ancestor.  Old world monkeys obviously stayed and lived on in Asia and Africa.  At some point, an Old World monkey population split into two species.  One of these populations of monkey grew larger and tailless and became apes.  These apes went on to evolve into numerous species, particularly in the Miocene.  One line developed into bipeds that led to us.  

    Monkeys don't just magically turn into humans.  For evolution to work, it takes hundreds, if not thousands of generations to make any significant changes

  5. It's happening all the time though in reverse order.Just observe closely.

  6. As long as there is American military bases out side U.S.A.  The word change is on the rise. In God you trust. Monkey rules.

  7. Monkys and apes split off some 25 million years ago. We split from the ape line some 8 million years ago.None of us: money, ape, human  stopped evoluving. The monkeys you see today are 25 million years more evovled.

    Most species evolve to fit an ecological niche. When things (such as climate) change, then some species evolve to survive and others go extint. Evolution is random. There's no end goal in miond and no species has such a goal.

    With humans there were numerous points in our evolution where things could have gone one way or another. Had we not moved on to the savanna, then we wouldn't have become bipedal. Given natural selection, climate, gentic drift and mutation, it's almost impossible to extence some other species to develop into humans. (Which knocks out lots of bad sciemnce fiction)

    You could try an experiment. Take a bank of monkeys, stick them out on a savanna and through selective breeding try to produce humans. However, be pateint, you have 25 millions years of evolution to backtrack on.

  8. what a stupid question...did you sleep all through your high school science classes all 4 years?

  9. They didn't! This is an old old 'straw man' argument put forward by creationists.

    Humans, monkeys and apes share a common ancestor - we did not evolve from apes.

    The ape-like ancestor of modern humans was also the human-like ancestor of modern apes!

  10. you are so god d**n misguided. Read a book then ask questions. Its the same old creationist tactic. Im going to inform you on something. YOu should learn about something before you try and argue

  11. I think its a bunch of c**p.  We're suppose to believe that we came from this figure that came after the ape but disappeared and yet the apes and chimps are here and just fine!  What a bunch of bunk!

  12. No idea. What I do know, is that, we have evolved from humans into replicants.

  13. Evolution doesn't have a goal.  All monkeys that exist don't have some evolutionary goal to become humans.  We are just a different kind of ape.   Why don't all primates evolve into baboons?  It is just as silly a question.

  14. Who's to say it isn't?

    We DID evolve from "monkeys," however, we didn't evolve from any of the monkeys that currently inhabit the earth, because they've had a long time to evolve as well.

    It's more accurate to say that we share a common ancestor with modern monkeys, an ancestor that according to phenotype, would probably be lumped in with monkeys, or would seem closer to monkeys than humans because human evolution has a more interesting story.

    We could, in theory, breed monkeys with traits that were more and more human-like until they became virtually indistinguishable from humans. This would take a long time, of course, but if you observe how quickly humans have bred dogs to have a myriad of traits, it doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility. Despite this, their DNA would NOT be the same, and they would NOT be sexually compatible (genetically speaking) with humans.

    The only difference is that humans became humans through natural selection, rather than the artificial selection of a human breeder.

  15. Evolution takes place through natural selection to environmental pressures. We came from a common ancestor as the apes/chimps. The apes or "monkeys" that you see now aren't the ancestor that we evolved from, that ancestor no longer exists. It died out because it was no longer the "fittest". Therefore that stage is over. A) we can't evolve from something that no longer exists and B) we cannot recreate the environmental pressures that were selected for thus leading to speciation.

    We are constantly evolving but no stage of evolution can be recreated...without a time machine at least and then, well, no.  

  16. This question is a joke, surly?

  17. Well they decided to turn into pickles instead.  It's evolution, not rocket science.  Open a book.  Why doesn't it happen anymore.  Oh please.  

  18. Evolutionists will complain - we didn't evolve from a monkey, we evolved from a common ancestor.

    That is splitting hairs really. This alleged ancestor would to all intents and purposes look like an ape/monkey.

    Other evolutionists will say it takes millions of years and we can't see it happening. Well that's not very convincing then is it. 'Evidence' that is not observable. Hmm. calling this science are we.

    Must have been taking lessons from teh great Dawkins who made this deep observation: ‘Evolution has been observed. It’s just that it hasn’t been observed while it’s happening.’

    And people think creationists aren't scientific? Well we wouldn't make such laughable comments.

    The idea that man evolved from an ape is completely false, and is


    It is not supported by any evidence whatsoever.

    All hominid fossils are clearly human or clearly ape.

    Evolution requires the creation of new genetic information. The proposed mechanism is mutations, yet all observed mutations are information neutral or lossy.

    History is full of frauds and wishful thinking in regard to alleged missing links:

    Piltdown man – fraud

    Java man - a few teeth, and a few skull and bone fragments

    Nebraska man - a pigs tooth

    Australopithecene (Lucy) - portrayed with human like hands and feet despite the fact that it is known to have ape like hands and feet, and to have been a knuckle walker.

    To believe we evolved from an ape requires an awful lot of faith! It flies in the face of the evidence, and of scientific knowledge.

  19. Stare into a mirror very carefully!

  20. Humans and modern apes have a common ancestor. That is why we are closest to Chimpanzees, and distant from orangutans. All the sects broke off from ancient ancestors millions of years ago.  

  21. we did not evolve from monkeys

  22. That stage is done with.  The new stage is men turning into jackasses.  And it seems this "jackass" stage is in full swing.

  23. LOL, they lost the transfiguration spell!  

  24. We share a common ancestor with modern apes, we did not come from them.

    If modern apes are currently adapted to their environment, they may not need to evolve or change. If the environment changes and they are no longer adapted (and no beneficial mutations allow for new adaptability) they will die.

    (Monkeys cannot choose to evolve. It’s possible they will die off someday.)

    Over 99% of all species that have existed are dead now (some with ancestors that live to this day).

  25. We did not evolve from monkeys, which is a common misconception.  Monkeys and humans both evolved from the same, unknown species referred to as "the missing link." That makes humans a cousin species of monkeys.

    Hope that helps you get it :)

  26. Thank you very much! You have won the pulitzer prize for being the most intelligent creature since the first man. This question has never been asked! And the logical part is so true that there are a bunch of rock-heads (including myself) who didn't ask or look at this condition! We're all familiar with Drawin and his theory of evolution, Charles was like any scientist he worked on theory and built a hypothesis of which not many would venture into def-acting. When Drawin was celebrating his theory, a good friend of Darwin named Herbert W, Armstrong gave proof the theory was false and Darwin quoted these approximate words; i see you have the proof of God's creation but I cannot take all of this work and turn it away, with thease words they both parted. Drawin once studied to be a clergyman and Armstrong later became the pastor of the Worldwide Church of God. Although they both have passed on the Worldwide Church of God is still in existence. We need more people like yourself to be adventurous into asking the logical question which ends with; Why was I created?  

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