
If morality comes from scripture, why do the Japanese behave themselves better than the Americans?

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behave = lower rate of homicide, lower rate of violent crime

(or just about any other measure you care to use)




  1. because they have been humbled by the atom bomb.  in any case, the scripture is exactly what is causing people to be immoral because it makes people feel that anything that they do is right so long as it fits the words that have been printed.  I feel right and wrong should be measured instead in terms of human suffering.  if it causes suffering unnescessarily then it is wrong.  also the demographic makeup , culture and history is much different, so it is rather hard to compare.

  2. its called discipline,there they discipline their kids.... try it and u go to jail..thats why!

  3. you are delusional. where did you hear that from

  4. you cant be serious...Their wives walk behind rather than beside them!!

  5. Sociologically, the Japanese have had thousands of years as a single people, as an island nation, developing an identity as one nation. (not including the Ainu people who were living there when the Japanese first arrived)

    Consider that there are all sorts of scripture in the world.  Nearly all dictate a form of moral conduct. Religious, spiritual, philosophical, militant, etc.

  6. Where are they gonna run?

  7. morality is a human trait, not religious.  everyone knows you dont kill, lie, hurt each other, steal, etc.    there is good and bad in everyone and every religion.   be human first and follow whoever later

  8. Because morality comes  from cultural background and upbringing, there is no better example of proof for this.

  9. It's because you don't get your conscience from a book, it is already there.

    Original Fireball, where do you get your sources from? Women have to walk behind men if they are Muslims, not if they are Japanese...

  10. Because Japan has a lower population which means lower crime.

    Japans government and Judicial system are a lot tougher then ours, they don't tolerate bad behavior at all.

    Japanese parents beat there kids and the Teachers beat students if they act out.

    Most people in America don't read the scriptures so I'm not sure where you're coming from. The ones who don't read it also choose to ignore it and go rob a grocery store.

  11. Their history contains its share of horrors.  Among other things they were very cruel to our prisoners of war.  We incarcerated Japanese but they were not tortured and killed as our men were.

    The emperor was not divine.  God is.

  12. But morality doesn't come from Scripture, or from religion. I'm a Christian, and believe that morality and religion are separate issues. One need not be religious at all in order to be moral.

  13. What makes you think most Americans obey the Scriptures?

    Japanese do not behave better than those who follow the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ - be they Americans or any other nation on the Earth.

    True Christians walk in love to their fellow man, and love does no harm to its neighbor.

  14. its education..  

  15. So much was lost when 'The Americas" were formed a few hundred years back. None of the religions really held true. Let alone the respect for the dead. Asia is huge on respect of the family name and all that entails. Americans have yet to have any sort of translation of that mentality. I think a lot really rests on traditional family values, the ones that actually exist, not the made up American ones that never even existed in the first place.

  16. Nice modern day comparison, but before you go too in-depth with this hypothesis, better recheck the premise for historical accuracy (i.e. the Rape of Nanjing).  

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