
If most if not all media outlets say Federer is on the decline, does that mean they're right?

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Or are they just fabricating conflict? It seems they are barking up the extremely wrong tree here. I mean, Federer made it to the French Open finals for a 3rd straight year. Isn't that amazing even if he's lost it?




  1. they're the media.

    are they tennis players? no

    do they know how to play tennis? for some, maybe. but they're not pros

    do they know what it's like to live the life of a pro tennis player? no

    they're just media.. they write anything for us to read.. and want us to believe lol

    federer is not on a decline.. responsible media is.

  2. no,dont trust the so-called analysts,they have nothing to do and always predict the wrong things.u never can tell what could happen in all think maria can be the favourite to win wimbledon this year,but the result is that she outed yesterday.though i also feel sad about her defeat.

    media says fed is on the decline,just let them talk,wahtever,fed uses his performance to prove he's still the one to beat.though he always lose to nadal on clay,but if without nadal,he can be the french open winner though that's impossible to happen.that he can beat any player except nadal on clay is something that he should be counted as amazing.doesnt it? not everyone could do that.he's the second-best player on clay!!

  3. The media is not right. Federer is not on his decline. People hold him to way higher standards than they do other players. Also, for some reason people like to see someone who is doing really well fall. So the media really wants Federer to decline. If Federer was an American it probably would not be happening

    He had mono at the beginning of this year. Many pro athletes take years to get back after having mono. Federer barely took anytime at all.

    If you look at the race ranks Federer is third. He is doing fine. He'll probably win the U.S. Open and Wimbledon and that will make the people who say he is declining shut up.

  4. No doubt the Fed has seen better seasons. But most players on the tour would kill for the kind of results he's had so far. It's only natural for the rollercoaster to slope down a bit after being so high for so long. But yeah they're getting on him because he has yet to go all the way in a big tournament and he's not living up to the "monster of near perfection" he created the previous four years. I wouldn't put too much stock into what the media says in anything because they are not experts in the topics they cover, they are merely observers paid to give their opinions and nothing more. It's their job and the nature of their business to stir up controversy and a little chaos so as to capture as much attention as possible. As the old saying goes, "everyone's a critic."

  5. If you look at his overall results this year compared to year's past, then it's clear why a lot of people are saying that.  Look at all the losses he's had already this year and to whom, and how few tournaments he's won.  He's definitely not the nearly invincible Federer that we're used to seeing.  And his rout by Nadal in the French Open final just underlines everything I just said.

  6. A lot of people think that he is on the decline. He is really shot mentally after not winning much this year. But remember that he still placed 2nd in the french open. Thats still pretty good. That is just because Nadal is unbeatable on clay. He is one of the best ever playing on that surface. Federer is definatley not on the decline and I expect him to be winning many opens in the next couple of years.

  7. The thing with human nature is that we like to build people up into these big superheros, we like to put them on a pedastel... and then watch them fall and crash. I don't know why but it has always been like this, look at the way the media has delighted in the Britney Spears drama, and then look at what they said about her when she was still a teen queen. They delight in nothing more than watching somebody fall from the top. Its the same with Roger I think. Roger hasnt lost that many more times this year than last year, hes won 2 tounrys this yr compared 2 3 last yr, he reached the french, monte carlo, hamburg finals. He was sick at the start and he has bouced back. So I don't think media are necessarily right because they LOVE to say these things. I think Roger has declined slightly, but not half enough to warrent the press attention he has been getting.

    If he wins Wimbledn I hope thatll shut them up.

  8. If most experts agree on something, then there is an odd chance that they are all wrong. But more likely, they are all right.

    Federer has been so sublime over hte past few years, that his performances can only go down. Although he made the final of the FO for the 3rd straight year, this time he failed to even win a set. He didn't even win 6 games in the entire match.

  9. the commentators are not correct about fact they have had their share of false predictions/accusations...right before the novak/marat match, most commentators immediately ruled safin out mainly because novak won the auusie oen and is the number 3 player in the world...but what do you know? safin won

    another one is when serena played the 2007 aussie open...everybody including espn commentators ruled her out saying she was out of shape, hasnt played for a  while but what do you know? she won it trashing sharapova in the final. commentators think these things depending on what has happened they are not always right...and besides federer is just havin a little bump in his carrer, every top player has had it, william sisters, sampras, graf, hingis, aggasi, just keep yer hopes up!

  10. when he lost to djokovic, he was sick..and he reach the semis remember? french, he lost to nadal, who is the king of clay...and he reach finals..rite?..what do you expect , media?..a superhero of tennis?..

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