
If most of the religious state that God in heaven created mankind, why?

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do they call him "perfect" when this species failed him from the beginning of it's creation. Doesn't tend to reason that a "perfect" entity makes mistakes, yet, here is this history of Adam and Eve. Why do people say God is perfect ?




  1. Man didn't fail God as God does not depend on man.  Man failed himself.

    God did not make a mistake when He made man and I challenge you to prove that He did if you think that you can.

  2. That aside, I find it even more amazing that this perfect, allegedly all-knowing deity is consistently surprised throughout the Bible when his creation fails to meet his godly standards.  Who knew an omniscient being could be so ignorant?

  3. Exercising a choice is not an imperfection

    Adam disobeyed God. He made a poor choice.

  4. God is perfect as there is no evil in Him at all.  He did not make a mistake in making man.  Man made the mistake by choosing to listen to satans lies.  (As man still does to this day)

    Despite that God gave His own son to coner the cost of mans poor choice.  He is perfect in that He cannot lie to us or confuse us as satan still does.

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