
If most of the world is Anti-American....?

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What makes you think immigrants are going change thier opinion of us when they get here..

Just asking..




  1. we use up most of the world's resources, still want more, go to other country's and treat the people badly... and on and on....

    Guess if they were on top it might go to their heads too... but for now, theyre just jealous!

  2. Most of America is anti American too. Why should immigrants be any different.

  3. Most of the world is not "Anti-American", if anyone is Anti-American, it is us, yes, our very own people bash us and go on TV to say how bad this country is. Our very own go on the internet and bash anyone that says something positive about this country. Many of those immigrants that come to this country, LOVE this country, they come here and they do what they are supposed to and they do all the jobs for less pay. Yet, I do not see them complain or bash this country as much as the citizens of this country do.

    Sure, we have many flaws but so DO ALL OTHER NATIONS!

    Yes, we had a president that may have made some mistakes. I love this country and all it has provided for me, I have not lived here all my life, I have lived in places like Japan (which is VERY racist contrary to what others say, especially ignorant Japanophiles), Germany (good to visit but not to live in), Paris (beautiful city but hard to get  a citizenship there), London (great city, closes to America) and Sweden (boring as heck).

    America is hated by some countries in the world but most developed countries love us. A lot of countries need America, because when stuff happens, who do they come running to? (rhetorical question)

    If anyone is Anti-American, its the Bill O'Reillys and the Phillip Phelps, aka the SCUM that our government allows to let live, and yet, we all know America is the only country which you can openly criticize and bash if you are a citizen and not get in trouble for it.

    Immigrants do not hate America, most that come from countries that supposedly hate America, do not want to go back to their home country, Immigrants LOVE America because immigrants have lived a harsh life before and they know real pain, not the type of whiny teenage generation complains of.

    I <3 America.

  4. you are a little mixed up,,, everybody in the world dosent want to come here because they are Anti- American.

  5. Maybe if we stopped invading their countries and forcing 'democracy' down their throats they'd feel better about us. You don't hear much squawking against Canada do you?

  6. Their opinion will grow worse or they will join us.....

  7. Most of the world is not Anti American this is what the Leftist Socialist cockroaches who are enjoying the wave of anger at America over the Iraq war want everyone to think and believe. They are the only people who really hate America the rest are just jealous of America this is why they feel a need to attack America over just about anything and everything.

  8. Throw out all the immigrants!

  9. They won't. And what amazes me, is that we are so hated, but illegal immigrants are taking over and demanding their way, and the US government is allowing it!!!

  10. In response to Shadowwolfwarrior,

    Everyone hates America. Your Government just doesn't wan't you to know it seeing as it's thier fault. For the record, people like you really don't help the matter.

    Also, nobody is jealous. Really. But that bit isn't that important seeing as that's most likely just your method of coping with the fact that people like you have completely destroyed your country.

  11. Shut the h**l up!!!!!

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