
If mother is empath will children be also?

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I have a friend- she is being born after 3 died kids in the family and her mother stayed 9 months in hospital until she gave birth.

In mothers family there were in past generations people with some para qualities and my friend has also some abilities- she can guess about the weather, the herbs,the health, but the most interesting is to feel somehow where dangers are- could this be result from the fears and the empathy of her mother and is this a gift/present from mothers family?




  1. The belief in paranormal can be passed on.If the parents pass on their superstitious and delusional beliefs.Hopefully,an education can help the children.

  2. A child relies on its parents and implicitly trusts their teachings at a young age, so if it's drilled into their head that every coincidence is a mystic result then the chances are the kid will believe it.

    Its our instinct to believe tribe elders, evolution has some funny quirks that used to be very helpful but now just spur on the belief of magic and religion.

  3. No.

  4. The scientific answer to this question (you are, after all, in the Science & Math category) is no. This paranormal ability is not supported by any evidence, so we can't even offer any conjecture about its genetic component. However, there is no mystery about how parents can pass on their mystic/religious beliefs to their children.

  5. It is  Polygenic inheritance opposed to environmental influence.

    Given the environment the child was raised, and the environment the adult was in, may result with an increase in a person having or not having an  ability or tendency  much more than the sole responsibility lying upon one gene from the mother.

    There is more study done with addiction related issues, but you can get the general idea.

  6. Well, mental illness has been shown to travel in the family.  So, yeah, if she is insane enough to think she has 'powers', her kids could be too.

  7. "Gifts" are often, but not always, inherited.  My mother, and her mother and myself, as well as my sisters all have it to some degree, but not my 5 brothers. Its strongest in myself, and the connection is strongest with my mother. I am on occasion, able to "feel" her pain, even though we are far apart.

    She had a heart attack, and I felt her pain, before I even knew she was ill.  Even though she was taken to hospital and put into critical care, I "knew" she would survive, and live for many more years.

    My husband is often uncomfortable with the "gift", and I am fairly sure at least 2 of my girls have inherited it too.

  8. Although it may seem paranormal to you, these qualities are simply things that our minds can do through observation and logic. Predicting the weather is easy for someone who pays attention to the signs, and some people are more sensitive to high and low pressure changes. For example, some people notice that the leaves on trees will turn over as a storm is moving in.

    Empathy is caused by our imaginations. We have the ability to put ourselves into someone elses head and imagine how they feel, in doing so, we internalize these feelings. Some people do this a lot more than others. If someone has a cast, the other person might start limping around.

    Sensing danger is also a natural human trait. We know what situations danger can occur in, and we become anxious when we are put into these situations.

    Some people are more sensitive, and empathic than others, and I am sure it is passed down more from observation than from genetics.

  9. The belief in magic, like many other beliefs, can be passed down from generation to generation through socialization.  So if a parent believes in magic, then it's quite possible she will teach her children to disregard an evidence-based perspective of the world.

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