
If my 10-month old does fabulous with sippy cups, is it time to chuck the bottles?

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Any reason to continue with bottles? Is it time to transition to exclusively big boy cups?




  1. yes

  2. This is the same age i got rid of my son's bottles.  

  3. i transitioned to sippies with my son at 6 months. i had trouble with getting rid of the sippies for selfish reasons. i like that the carpet was safer. :)

  4. 10 months is a great time to take him off the bottle. children shouldnt use bottles past the first birthday, because they will get more and more attached to them, and it might stunt developement in other areas. perfect timing.  

  5. If he drinks a sufficent amount of fluid from the sippy, I say go for it... just make sure he does not slack off on how much formula he is drinking.

  6. Nope, no good reason in my opinion.  The only reason we still do bottles is because he refuses to take formula from a sippy.  I don't get it.  He'll drink cow's milk from a sippy, but God forbid if I put formula in there.  So, once the formula goes in our house, the bottles go too! :)

  7. I think the bottle can go if he's doing the sippy cups on his own.

  8. With my oldest, breaking the bottle habit was right up there with potty training.  I would start the transition now since he does well with them, I can't see a good reason to wait.

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