
If my 4 year old turns 5 in December when can he start kindergarden?

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School in my state starts in September .




  1. It is different everywhere. Cut-off dates run from 9/1 to 12/31 in different school systems. Call your local school.

  2. Mine turned five in January she starts in September!

  3. you will start school in the beginning of the next school. Which is in the September of 2009. that is when you start school.that is also when you have fun learning thing.

  4. You must contact the school which your child will attend to find this answer. Cut-off dates vary from school district to school district and in different states.

  5. yes! Try enrolling him in a preschool now so he gets the jist of school. Good luck

  6. a year ago.

  7. In our state, the child must be 5 before Dec 1st of the school year he'll be attending.  So, in other words...if your child is born after Dec 1st he'll need to wait another year before starting school.

  8. He will have to start the next yr..My son's birthday was is in Dec too..He had to wait ..

  9. He can start in September

  10. most likely they start at 5, my neice is 4 n startin preschool so ya.....they'll start next idea is to call up to the school n ask about it

  11. It depends on where you are located.  You need to consider the cutoff the district has for birth dates and enrollment.  If he is able to enroll because his birthdate falls within the guidelines do you feel he is ready to attend Kindergarten?  My 4 year old (he was 4 and going to be 5 in Nov) needed a little more preschool to get his energy out and help him be prepared to sit for the amount of time they sit in Kindergarten.  He was a Nov baby and it was a dilemma for me, but I was so glad I waited. I could really see the difference.  He ended up by being 5 when he started K and turned 6 while in K.  Good luck!

  12. september coz thats the age all kids should start school

  13. September good luck!!

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