
If my Chinchilla nibbles/bites my finger, should I let it continue?

by Guest10779  |  earlier

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I have two new Chinchillas. I know I am suppose to put my hand into the cage and let the chinchillas smell it and I know they'll bite/nibble my finger(s). Should I keep letting doing this? They've done this over 10 times already.




  1. If they nibble and bite too hard and u sart bleeding take ur hand out for a bit.

    But if its a little nibble ur okay.

    Please feel free to ask questions anyone!

  2. they are just not used to you because they are new in your home and environment.  they are just curious to see what you are like, if it is nibbling that is fine but if hurts then don't let them do it, pull them away and hold them away from your hand for a few seconds and then let go, if you do it right then soon they will know knot to nibble at your fingers.  

  3. If they are running up to your hand to bite you, then they are abnormally aggressive. Try saying a stern "No," and then gently blow in their face when they bite.

    If you are just leaving your hand in there and they still bite you, then they are not comfortable with your hand being that close!

    Just keep your hand still at a good distance and let the chinchillas voluntarily sniff and explore your hand and arm. Do not try to pick them up or pet them yet. Eventually, they will learn that you are not a threat to them and warm up to you and you can gradually start cuddling your furry friends.

    If they are not drawing blood, it's really nothing to worry about. It can take anywhere from a week to a couple of months to fully socialize a chinchilla, so don't worry if your chinchillas don't warm up to you right away. Your patience will be rewarded!

    Best of luck; don't give up!

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