
If my Income is 0 and my Consumption is 40, is my Savings 0 or -40?

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If my Income is 0 and my Consumption is 40, is my Savings 0 or -40?




  1. 0 cant get blood from a turnip

  2. When you consume at 0 income level the situation is reffered to as autonomous consumption. Consumption is without personal income spent as such there is no form of withdrawal from savings. As such you  save 0. Your consumption, at whatever level with 0 income neither adds to, nor depletes your savings.

    Good luck.

  3. Well if you take 0-40=-40

    If your Income is 0 and your comsumption if provided by someone else them your savings would be 0 but if you are running a "bill" then it will be -40 then -80 and so on

  4. Your savings will be 0

  5. your in dept of $40

  6. -40

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