
If my Moon is 12 degrees in Gemini what does is mean? ?

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Does it mean I could have Gemini traits or be attracted to Gems? I'm a Scorpio by the way.




  1. It means you are going to be eaten by a giant marshmellow

    I hope someone is as sad as me and gets that nerdy reference

  2. moon in 12' gemini means he is on (aarudra) raahu(dragons head) and in saturn sub.the sign lord is mercury. basing only on this factor  i feel -u have double thoughts .u can give very good advice to others.u r advices for u r self do not work out.u help others.they do seldom the same when u need.u can attract similar geminians a scorpion ascendant man ..scorpio is mars (kuja)  ..."kujavat ketu hu sani vat raahu hu"(sanskrit)..your moon star rahu is in another way equal to saturn.your ascendant lord mars who is foe  to saturn is nothing but kethu.and hence u will start many works to be unfinished.

  3. You don't say what house it's in.  But just would give a strong love for art, music, harmony. Companship is a necessity, and you have a natural curiosity for what makes people tick. Great placement for  AN ARBITRATOR OR A PUBLIC RELATIONS WORKER.  FAIR AND JUST IN DEALINGS, WOULD MAKE A GOOD JUDGE.  EXTREMEELY CURIOUS WHEN IT COMES TO s*x,  and could be an writer of s*x novels due to their vivid imagiantion. SORRY, I accidentally hit the caps button.  Insurance, property matters, estates, and siblings come to the fore.

  4. It means a good period is coming up for you.!!!

    You are attracted to Aquarius.!!!

  5. Hi there, I also have gemini moon and am a piscean :)

    Scorpio (a fixed sign) is immobile in thought, known to have a jealous/possessive nature and holding grudges, but your gemini moon (mutable air sign) can give you some flexibility about your strong and fixed emotions. A more rapid thinking and ability to express your emotions better with words.

    Being a piscean, traditional traits of Pisces don't completely suit me, I'm more of a let go type, enjoying the moment and having mood swings often.  

    I'll also copy the explanation of gemini moon:

    Your emotions change very rapidly, and you are quite restless. You get bored rather quickly, and your attention tends to wander if you have to keep it fixed on one object too long. But you are very curious and eager to try out every new experience.

    You enjoy traveling as a chance to have new experiences. And you feel the same way about new ideas, wanting to learn everything there is to learn.

    One very good feature of this Moon position is that you will probably learn to let your intellect control your emotions. In situations where others act wildly and emotionally, you can keep your cool and see what is really happening.

    I'm attracted to geminis and my bf is one and his moon is in Scorpio ;)

    Wish you the best, have a great day everyone!

    Oh by the way, Scorpio Sun/Gemini Moon combination means intense experimental s*x. Geminis like diversity, not to mention scorpio s*x :)

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