
If my Net Pay is £1700 , What will the total be After Natinal insurance and Tax ?

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Anyone know the Answer ?




  1. depends on your tax code really, but as a rough rule of thumb after the first £5,000 a third is taken.

  2. Depending on your tax code it will be just over £1,000.

  3. Your net pay is the amount after tax and national insurance has come off.  I think you mean gross pay. If thats the case, its roughy something like this:

    £1700 x 12 = £20400 - 5340 tax allowance x 21% -, x10% - plus 5340 = 15731.40 net pay devided by 12

    equals a monthy pay of about £1310.00.

    If it is your net pay then £1700 is very nice. well done.

  4. Give more information.

    Modify your question because It depends on the period of time over which it is earned.

    eg., week, month, year.

  5. A whole 3rd of that is taken off as tax i think.

  6. Depends on how often you are paid, weekly, monthly, etc. Imput details into www.listentotaxman, and it will tell you all you need to know.

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