
If my a.c. unit is low on freon would that give me higher humidy?

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I live in Indianapolis in a 8 yr. old 2 story home. The house is tight and the a.c. (Heat Pump/Trane) had just been serviced in the spring. When it runs it does not seem to stay on overly long. The coils and filter are clean. It seems to run as well as it has in past years, but I seem to have higher humidity in the house now. Is this a sign of low freon?




  1. Yes, it would.

    It's drawing air from the outside & if there isn't enough freon to cool it, all your going to get is outside air.


    Check your filters before you call the AC man. That could save you hundreds if all you need is a $2 filter. ;)

  2. Yes, removing excess humidity is an important part of cooling. Have it re-checked.

  3. No, your a/c does NOT draw air from outside, it recirculates the same air over and over.

    Yes, if you are low on freon, your coils will not get as cold, reducing the amount of moisture that will condense onto the coils.

    If it is still cooling and not running too long, I think you may have excessive introduction of moisture into the house. This could be caused by poorly sealed windows and doors-check all of your weatherstripping and caulking. Leaving doors open for too long- like kids will do- will also let in humidity.

    But, I suspect that since the midwest has had more rain than you have ever seen this year, that the moisture is coming from the basement. check your sump pump well, make sure it is operational. Look for damp cement. Consider adding a dehumidifier in the basement, we always ran one in the summertime in oHIo. Hope this helps!

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