
If my american boyfriend and I get married in canada can we stay forever?

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We live in texas and want to leave. If we get married in Canada will that give us immigration status? We also want to go to college (we are both 19). We want to move to vancouver, or a nearby area. I want to find a job and an apartment before I move up there. What are the rates of apartments, buying houses, land, schools. What do jobs pay up there? Can I have horses? What if we have a child there, does that make us a citizen? I really want to move, and asap! I just need to know what the process is going to be. I dont want to get kicked out of Canada! I've heard people feel much more free in Canada. Plus its absolutley beautiful.




  1. No. You have to marry Canadians to get immigration status. You should try to get into a Canadian college and get student visas. They really only want highly educated or skilled workers, or people who can be sponsored by a relative who is a citizen. Yes, there are horses in Canada. If you have a child, it would get dual citizenship, but not make you a citizen. I would imagine the pay is different in different parts of the country.

  2. You both have to APPLY for permission to come to Canada, by applying from your home state, in the USA. Canada has  very high standards for immigration applications.

    It would appear that you need to do a lot more research  about this idea.

    Here is the basic Canadian Immigration information website.

    READ it carefully .

    JIm B. Toronto.

  3. Canada is more free than USA

    But the bad news is that its very very hard to become a citizen, of any country, but Canada is one of the picky ones. 2 americans marrying each other in other countries would never help them immigrate or get visas. They are still americans. The whole marriage thing is only if you marry someone of that country and not all countries allow that as a free ticket to citizenship (most countries do not but some do like the philippines) They may not approve both of you for a permanent resident visa......which you must have for 3 years before you can be considered for a citizenship visa. I dont think you can buy a home until you are a citizen but I could be wrong. But theres no guarantee they will even grant you a permanent residence visa. Im trying to stay in Thailand and cant get one, but Ive stayed there before for a few months and felt alot more free but Canada was on my list too because of how close it was, well it was until I saw the videos on youtube of the annual baby seal hunt..horrible.

  4. You cannot move to Canada just because you want to.  The immigration process is quite lengthy.  To try to answer a few of your questions:

    1.  Getting married in Canada does not give you any right to stay in Canada and has no effect whatsoever on your immigration status.

    2.  To go to college in Canada you need to apply for a study visa.  In the short term that might be your best avenue for moving to Canada, but it does not give you any special immigration status, and it does not mean you can stay when you have finished college.  Check the Canadian immigration site the previous poster gave you for information about study visas.

    3.  To get a job in Canada you most likely need to qualify as a skilled worker - a previous poster gave you a link to the most important site you need to examine - the Canadian immigration site.  

    4.  Vancouver is the most expensive city in Canada.  Housing there is extremely expensive.  

    5.  It is impossible to tell you what jobs pay without knowing what sort of job you might qualify for.  But for certain it takes much more than a minimum wage job, or even two minimum wage jobs, to live comfortably in Vancouver.

    6.  Yes, you can have horses here, but it depends on where you live.  

    7.  If you had a child in Canada the child would be Canadian but you would not be Canadian.  Having a child in Canada has no effect whatsoever on your own immigration status, nor does it make you eligible to stay in Canada.

    Canada is beautiful, but the immigration process can be complicated and can take years.  If you really want to move to Canada, investigate the possibility of a study visa.  That might be your best option, at least initially, if you have money to pay for college.  Best of luck with your plans.

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