
If my artex is like wallpaper when it comes off is it dangerous?

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If my artex is like wallpaper when it comes off is it dangerous?




  1. dont sound like artex,isnt dangerous anyway

  2. Sounds like Anaglypta or Lincrusta - the former is made of paper, the latter of paper flour and linseed oil, neither of which is dangerous. You should find joints between the rolls. You will inevitably get dust flkes as you strip which you should avoid inhaling - damp down and increase ventilation.

    If it really is Artex there is a possibility of it containing asbestos, so you do right to be cautious. You should not attempt to remove asbestos yourself.

  3. You are lucky if it comes off like wallpaper and it probably isn't artex,if you are worried about asbestos content then take it off while its wet and wear an FFP3 disposable mask.  

    Alternatively you can take (not post) a thumbnail sized bit to an asbestos consultancy and they will analysize it for you and tell you if it contains asbestos.  This service in the UK costs about £35 - the procedure is called 'bulk sampling' and applies to any material you are worried about.

  4. Sounds like it isn't artex.

    Probably lincrusta or something of that ilk.

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