
If my aunt is peurto rican and my uncle is irish does that make me a little of both lol?

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ok i have an irish uncle from my dad side,, he marries a peurto rican lady which is my aunt now,, does it make me a lil peurto rican..

lol i dont know..




  1. No.  You do not share her blood.  You and her do not have any common ancestors.  She married your uncle.  That is it.  Furthermore, she is you aunt ONLY for as long as she remains married to your uncle.  If they divorce, she is no longer your aunt.  You are not related at blood or marriage or step anyone in HER family or any kids she had before she married your uncle that he is not the father of.

  2. Nope, it only applies to your blood relatives. =D

  3. No. You are 1/2 what your dad is and 1/2 what your mom is. If they are mixed, you are 1/4 of whatever your grandparents are or 1/8th of what your great grandparents are . .  .

    You keep following back. Most of us are uneven; for instance, 1/8th Swiss, 1/8th German, 7/128th Huguenot, 1/4 unknown and so on.

    If your PR aunt died and your uncle then married a Chinese or a Cherokee or a Zulu or a Swede . . .,  you would still be who you are. You'd have a more exciting time at family potlucks than most of us, but your heritage would not change.

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