
If my baby's daddy's blood type is B+ and if I am A+, then what do you think my baby would or could be?

by  |  earlier

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I am just wondering.. and my baby is 19 months old.




  1. Ya never know until you get that checked out via a blood test. I believe it's more common for the baby to have the mother's blood type. Good luck!

    (I'm glad you've asked the question because now I know I don't know as much as I thought I did lol)

  2. You baby is either B+ after the father or A+ after you those are the two choices.

  3. It depends you can be heterozygous Type A meaning Type AO or homozygous Type AA, and the father can either be Type BO or Type BB so your baby could be AA AO AB BO OO

  4. WOW whoever gave Kay_See a thumbs down obviously isn't up on their biology, because Kay_See is 100 % correct!

    You carry two type determining alleles.

    The baby could be any one of those 5 blood types, depending on whether you and the father are hetro or homozygous.

  5. Probably type AB+ but you might have recessive genes.

  6. A child is always supposed to have the same blood type as its father, so unless you're keeping secrets then your child is B+

  7. im A+ just like u,, my husband dosent even know what bloodtype he is [derr] , and i have no idea what our 19mth olds is either,,lol,, so i pretty much gave u a useless answer-

    your childs could have any though

    i have 3 sisters and between us there are 3 different blood types and we all have the same mum and dad,, so weird xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  8. My mother is A+, my father is AB+ and I am B+....better to have the baby tested if you need to know for sure!

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