
If my backpack smells of weed but no possession and the drug dog catches me, will i get in trouble?

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Let's pretend this happens at my high school and more specifically, I'm asking for more details on legal/school punishment. I don't smoke it (meaning I'd pass drug tests) but I've carried some in my bag for a friend and it reeks of marijuana. My school has some cops come in with those dog sniffers frequently and I don't think I can get rid of the smell.




  1. have to have possesion or proven to be high..they cannot give you a ticket for a smell....

  2. Only if your that stupid. anything under a ounce is a siteable offense and up to a $100.oo fine

    Change your backpack

  3. Dear Waterhol,

                 Without finding any drugs in your possession you cannot be legally prosecuted or punished by the law.

                  Understand that by carrying and transferring between people you have crossed the line between a wrist slap for use and the draconian possession for transportation and sale. Lots of "nice" kids in custody for the latter.

    And never think you will not be threatened with real jail and particularly if they want you to reveal names of your contacts. And do not be surprised when a "friend" gives-up your name to avoid penal charges as their "drug supplier"

            You are playing a dangerous game with no benefits to you. Get rid of your "bag" and GROW UP. Too many truly innocent people in jail for your type of stupid behavior.

             Should you be labeled a drug user by your school, it may likely go on your school record. Further, schools do not bother with little things like evidence, presumption of innocence or right to a fair trial. They act "in loco parentis" meaning in place of your parents while you are in their custody and control. This empowers them to be irrational, unfair and without any control over their behaviors and conduct with respect to any suspicions about your possible drug use.

    Use school for getting an education. You have a lifetime ahead of you for being stupid. Illegal drugs have never helped anyone (except  people with glacoma or requiring relief from cancer treatment). They have no place on campus.    

  4. No trouble. No victim no crime, no evidence no crime.  And get a new bag.

  5. you're fine its only illegal if they find something

  6. Don't listen to the ***** that was going on about how your a loser basically and that your going down a bad path. She knows ****.

    No you can't get in trouble, but its not wise because you don't want unwanted attention (cops, principle, teachers, parents).

    Air our your bag - open all the pockets and let it sit outside.

    Use febreeze.

    There are many alternatives, but if you want to be extra safe and paranoid, then just get a new bag.

    Good luck mate

  7. You could get rid of the smell, but the dogs would still smell it.  And even if you did get rid of the smell on the bag, its probably still on your books, etc.  

    Pretty much your asking if the cops come through with a dog sniffing dog and I've had about 10 pounds of a illegal smellable substance in my backpack, will they find it interesting?  Most likely.  And I'm sure there is a little somewhere in the bag somewhere that crumpled off.   Personally I think the chances of you successfully using the "dumb" approach are slim.

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