
If my body starts to hurt after exersicing/working out, does that mean im going to see changes in my body?

by  |  earlier

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Like for example...sometimes if im lazy enough or not in the mood....i tend 2 do 20 situps or so....and that isnt much...even though my stomach hurts a bit...does that mean i done a good workout which will make changes in my body or is that not enough becoz its just little exercise??? ALSO for example: if i do situps and dont do them the proper if my stomach doesnt go all the way & my stomach hurts..does that still mean im doing a workout and its goingg 2 make changes in my stomach, abs etc??? THankss soo muchh guyss pleaz help !






  1. yes it means you will see changes soon, but it also can mean your working the body too hard.


  2. that pain you feel is the tearing of your muscle fibers.  its not a bad thing though because they'll grow back stronger.  usually, it takes your body about a month to respond to a workout plan before you start seeing dramatic results.

  3. not necessarily. just means you aren't fit enough to do that much excercise.

    but also yes, because if the excercise is not tough enough and you're not getting tired you're not getting a work our and burning enought cals cause it's too easy for your body.

    also if you don't do it properly, yes it still can be considered excersie cause you are moving your body but you won't benefit from it as much as if you were doing it proper.  

  4. usually.

    when i some back sore from working out or practice, i love it because it makes me feel like i made an improvement , and that pretty much what it is.

    your stomach is going to hurt when your doing sit ups, but expect a change if it still hurts after.

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