
If my boy kitten had an erection does that mean hes NOT fixed?

by  |  earlier

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im not sure if he was b4 i got him




  1. Nah, boy cats can get erections.  One of my cats used to sit and l**k his d**k in the afternoon sun, was one of his favourite things and he was definitely neutered.

    You can tell if he's been fixed because where his nuts are will just be an empty pouch.  If he's not been fixed when you squeeze (lightly!) his nut sack you can feel something inside.

    A vet will confirm absolutely for you - or post a pic!

  2. Hi I Am Linda,

    After checking out your kitten's rear end to be sure he is devoid of testicals, as suggested by other answerers, here are a couple of other things to consider.

    I have a neuter Oriental Shorthair who frequently gets erections and seems to enjoy l*****g himself. I had a neuter domestic shorthair years ago, who also would try and breed my queens in heat, when I was breeding Siamese and Oriental Shorthairs, years ago.  He never sprayed, however.

    There are two schools of thought, which I learned about while researching your question.

    The first resource states that it is perfectly normal for a neuter to have erections and basically not something with which to be concerned.

    The second resource states that it may be indicative of a medical condition which they advise being checked out by a veterinarian just to rule out any problems.

    Since I had my neuter checked out and no medical problems were apparent, with blood and urine tests, so I am not concerned about him.

    It this was my kitten, I would definately discuss it with my vet JUST to be on the safe side. Otherwise, if nothing medical shows up, it is just something which more than likely is a habit that he enjoys.

    Good luck and keep us posted!


    Owned by cats for over 40 years

    Former Oriental Shorthair and Siamese breeder

  3. these people are so funny...he can still get an erection...feel where his testicles (not balls or nuts!) were and if you can feel them there then hes not fixed and if you cant feel anything then hes fixed and his penile erection is just normal

  4. no that dont mean anything my cat is fixed you can tell if they are fixed by feeling the area wher his balls would be if you dont feel any then he is fixed if you do then he wasnt fixed

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