
If my boyfriend and I are still together would he have to pay child support?

by  |  earlier

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I might be pregnant, and I was wondering if he would have to pay child support if we stayed together or if that was just if the parents are separated.




  1. Unless you are collecting a county check and do not name him n your case the only other way to have cs assigned is if you physically go down to the cs building a request it.

  2. If he is the father...regardless of your relationship status...he will have to pay CS.

  3. You don't get child support if you're living with the partner cos one would hope that he shares his money with you and the baby anyway!

  4. No, if your living together as a couple you don't get child support.  Child support only applies when a couple seperates and they go to court and the judge issues the child support  ordered. I hope your not pregnant if you don't understand simple laws about when people are entitled to receive support.

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