
If my boyfriend stole from his sister long do you think h**l be in jail?

by  |  earlier

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how long do you think he is gonna serve in jail??.....they retrieved the items stolen..his sister didnt know it was him until he turned himself in




  1. Not sure, but,.. why are you with a guy who's willing to steal from his own family? What will keep him from stealing from you or your family?

    May want to rethink this relationship, at least until he gets his problem with sticky fingers under control, because the worst thing ANYONE can do, is steal. Stealing from someone who loves them makes it even worse.

    ***Then as you will learn, as a drug and behavior counselor, very few "Druggies" stay clean, especially those whose habits are severe enough got them to go out robbing people. Most, relapse time and time again. Don't believe me? Ask one of your teachers. He may have a big heart, but until he really wants to kick his habits, and wants to use self control... he's going to keep having these "break downs" which is really called RELAPSES or Binges.

    I know he's your boyfriend, but don't blind yourself to the truth. Not if you really intend on helping people who have drug problems, because what you're doing, making excuses for called ENABLING. And sweetie, how will anyone ever think you can really help them when you wanna sugar coat the truth for yourself? Fact is, there IS NO excuse for him stealing from his own sister. Or anyone else for that matter. Stop excusing his wrong doings, because that isn't going to help him. Not by a long shot.

    Ask yourself this, how ARE you going to be able to help others with their drug problems, when you won't stop your OWN behavior now, that is hurting the man you are dating by allowing him to have excuses, excuses that will only continue enabling him for when he has future "break downs"?

  2. well that all depends if his sister presses charges and you shouldnt be with him if he can steal from his sister chances are he has been stealing from you or is going to.

  3. If the State has taken over the case, they are charging him... it doesn't matter if the sister tries to drop the charges.  In that case, it would be out of the sister's hands.

    There are several different types of theft, so he could have a jail term or just probation.

    I am wondering why you want to stay in a relationship with a thief.

  4. Why do you care. If he stole from his sister he will defiantly do the same to you. Let his go you will find another.

  5. Generally, if the item(s) stolen were in excess of $400.00, it's a felony. If it's his first offense, he'll probably get off on probation.  

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