
If my boyfriend thinks he can take control of my young daughter is it time for me to let him go?

by  |  earlier

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he treats my daughter like shes not his.Shes not but he shouldn't treat her like that.I am 16 byears old and he is not the father the real one is in jail but he yells at her as if shes his and she gets real scared




  1. Um...duh. If your daughter is getting scared thats a sure sign to move on. What if you left them alone, think about what he'll do to her? It's common sense, you see these kind of situations on the news.  

  2. And you just sit there and let it happen?

    Nice parenting.

  3. bye bye boyfriend... I would let no man yell at my kids, especially since he isn't her dad...

  4. You have brilliant judgment when it comes to selecting boyfriends. Try to chose a little more wisely next time. This one has to go.

  5. your boyfriend is not a good person he cant be a good father of ur child

    so its better if u takecare ur daughter by urself its v hard to find a sincere man since u have a kid if somehow u found a 1 u really want then go for it ........

    good luck

  6. of course even her own dad won't yell at her like this she is a human and i say that if your boy friend does not treat your daughter will he will not treat you will you should brake up with him

  7. You know that a young mom's boyfriend is the most likely person to murder the child?  Read the news, do a quick google search on shaken babies.

    Do you really want to take the risk of having your daughter around a guy who obviously doesn't care about her, or have the patience for her?  Of course not, it doesn't just scare her, it could potentially be dangerous for her.

    In no way am I saying you don't have the right to date, but you now have the obligation to be very very very picky about who you date.  In the end though, you will end up better off for it.

  8. Yeah, its time to show that guy the door. Its not his place to treat your child like that. Plus if she is getting scared of him then that is your sign to step in as her mother and tell him to stop treating her that way or to kick him to the curb. Why would you let him do that to her when shes not even his?

  9. Ok so you're sixteen? Keep a**holes away from your child...point blank be a mother and don't let men come around your child; especially since you are so young, no manboy that age will know what to do with a child, especially if its not his own.

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