
If my brother doesnt live with me can he still put my name under his auto insurance?

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If my brother doesnt live with me can he still put my name under his auto insurance?




  1. Although common enough, it almost always violates the auto insurance policy to do this.  If the co. finds out, he is likely to be cancelled for misrep. of material information.

  2. Just a rule for thought on auto insurance:  the name on the title of the auto must have their own insurance policy.  

    If he owns the car you drive, then yes, its clear that you can be included on his insurance.  If you own it, you should get your own policy because it becomes a problem when it comes to claims issuing out the check to the rightful owner.

  3. if you get in an accident just have your stories straight, and dont tell. they can alwys denie claim as policy with fraudelent info

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