
If my crush wrote me this could he like me?

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My crush works at a department store and I used to go see him there ALL the time (but I would pretend I was shopping so it wasn't THAT obvious, except looking back now I'm sure he wasn't stupid..) then I stopped going for a month 'cause I just felt like nothing was progressing and I settled for friendship. I saw him once though in the last week. Then I needed his help for one of my classes and I wrote him online, just a friendly message and whatnot.

He wrote back this: "How's life been with you? I have not really seen you in forever? Still avoiding me at Kohls?"

What should I write back?? I want to say the perfect thing, like what he means by my "avoiding" him?




  1. tell him "no, i just prefer Ross"

    he probably means that he thinks you don't want to see him anymore

    because you havn't been at Kohls.

  2. o ya he is totally into you go for it

  3. He might like you or he could just wanna be friends! I would say something like, I've been good, you? And then say something like Well, I thought I should go to Macy's cuz' those guys are much cuter! Or something as a joke! I hope I helped! :]

  4. Darling, that was a JOKE. It doesn't mean anything, it was him being funny. Don't read into it that far. You might want to try "Lol, no, not avoiding you. :D Life's good, how are you?" Or something along those lines. Be casual, that is a good way to respond.

  5. since he used the word forever

    my guess is that he does like you

    i say go for it

  6. hes trying to get in yo pants..........sorry, but its true

  7. I would say

    I kno we need to hang out er something

    so your lookin for me at kohls now  

  8. He likes you. Flirt with him like..are you missing me?

  9. maybe he is trying to be nice

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