
If my dad's grandfather was german...?

by Guest56090  |  earlier

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would that make me a little german, my moms side is all mexican :|


xD!! if that helps :|

or i think it was my dad's great grandfather. but i cant remeber one of those. :|

10 points for best answer :D




  1. that makes you 1/4 german - your grandfather was full german, your dad was half and you would be 1/4 german  PLUS  whatever you get from your grandmother..If she also is/was full german then your dad would be full german and you would be 1/2 german.  In simple terms..You are 1/2 mexican and at least 1/4 german plus  1/4 of what your grandmother was...

  2. If you set a photo it would be easier to say which part of your family you tend to be...

  3. If your great grandfather was German then you are 1/8 German.

  4. Absolutely makes you part German!  It's certainly enough to claim if you like, or to neglect disclosing if you'd rather not.  Wouldn't be dishonest either way, in my opinion.  And it sounds fascinating!

  5. yes u still have some German in u

  6. Ancestry involves all of your ancestors, including gr grandpa. Think about the fact that you have 2 parents.. but 4 grandparents, 8 gr grandparents, 16 gr gr grandparents.  All of them are part of you.  Doing research means that you find the RECORDS of each one, and what the records verify about their place of birth, and then on back to the next generation.  This is how you would find exactly which one of Dad's ancestors it was.

    So.. if you got only as far as the gr gr grandparents, 16 of those.. and ONE is from Germany, then you are 1/16th German.

    Of course, that would all be thrown off if you learn about him, and find out his dad was from Germany and his mother was Swedish.. but I don't want to confuse too much. *smile*

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