
If my dad has West Indian (Caribbean) heritage

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Isn't it a little to broad to say that?

What I mean is that 'West Indian' isn't restricted and precise.

By just saying 'West Indian', couldn't someone assume that I was of Puerto Rican descent, Taino descent, etc.?

To acknowledge it, doesn't it need to be a little more specific? Or is everyone supposed to get the picture with just 'West Indian'?




  1. Actually, 'West Indies' does include Puerto Rico. All of the caribbean islands are considered the west indies. The reason being, is that when Christopher Columbus & the spaniards discovered the islands they were looking for India. They thought they found India & decided to call all the people Indians. Later when they learned it was not India & it was actually the western hemishpere people started calling it the west indies. But for some reason people never include the spanish speaking islands, although technically they are also the west indies.


    Anyway to answer your question, I agree with you. I dont like when people say that. Its like saying your European. I think most people who say they are west indian are those who are either mixed with family from more than 1 caribbean island or sometimes those who are faking it (not saying you, just some ppl I have met). Usually if someone is Jamaican, Haitian, puerto rican, etc, they will say that because they are proud of their country. People will understand you are of caribbean descent if you say west indian so its ok, but more specific is better.. I think

  2. When someone mention that their parents has West Indian heritage, it usually say to us that he is from one of the caribbean islands which are not considered part of the US like Puerto Rico and USVI!

    further, most people understand 'West Indian' to be: a specific culture, language, accent(?) no matter what island they are from, different from their own, and generally people think tropical island, beaches, sun etc.

    so its ok, but remember, each islander is very loyal to the land of their birth, and nothing annoys us more than someone asking if we are from another island. There are more islands in the Caribbean than Jamaica, and each with its own uniques heritage, language, etc.

  3. it could mean many countries like trinidad guyana jamaica you should ask your dad what country he's from, and Puerto Rican isn't considered as west indian  

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