
If my daughter will not stop wahtchin Disneychannel and wont get off the website should i be worried?

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If my daughter will not stop wahtchin Disneychannel and wont get off the website should i be worried?




  1. I wouldn't be worried, Disney seems to have a way with children. I think you should be more worried that your daughter is not listening to your rules. Set a limited amount of time she can spend watching TV and playing games on the computer, if she gets angry with you (which she might) then step up and be the parent. Stick to your rules and follow through with them. Playing games and watching TV is fun for children, but remind her and introduce her to other fun things she can do. Disney channel and the disney website is not the problem at all in this situation, it's just a matter of dicipline.

  2. you should worry more that you apparently have NO discipline happening in the house. if you dont want her on the computer, or watching tv, put her off of them.

  3. She's your daughter. When you tell her to stop watching, she stops watching. If necessary, this is because you have turned the TV or computer off at the wall and physically removed her from the room with it in.

    You are the parent. No, you should not be worried, because you should not need to be worried. "Will not stop" is not an option here, it's not a discussion or a democracy, you have decided she should stop. So stop her.

  4. sounds like u have a mama authority issue goin on here...

    also, encourage her to get involved with other things... :)

  5. Yes be worried!! She shouldn't be watching the Disney channel she should be watching adult channels!! Get over it, she is just a kid!

  6. I would be more worried that I was not the parent in the relationship. I tell my kids to get off the screen they do

  7. I would prefer that then her watching violence or something else.

    Just limit her time ie 1hr tele then 1/2 hr internet

  8. It is natural for a kid to love watching disney channel

    She wont really stop if you wont do anything  to her, being the one who makes rules when it comes to television watching. .

    you can make rules or you can bargain with her.

    like  she can only watch tv. 9 - 10 am after taking a bath. and 4 - 5 pm after her afternoon nap. lastly  7-8 and that's it


  10. Your daughter WONT to it...since when is she in charge?  Sure you should be worried, at your astonishing lack of authority in your own home.

  11. The simple solution is to limit her time watching TV and on the computer.  Make her do her homework first, and after dinner give her an hour or two to watch or play on the computer.  If she throws a fit, tell her that every time she complains about it her time will be shortened by 15 minutes. If she is old enough, this will sink in quickly when 60 minutes suddenly dwindles down to 45 minutes, 30 minutes and then 15 minutes. If she turns on the TV or computer when she is not supposed to, revoke her privileges for the day and the next day.  If she has a tantrum, send her to her room.

    You are the boss.  If you dont like what she is doing, set some limits.

  12. Yes. No more than one hour a day TV or internet.

  13. A friend of mine had trouble getting her 11 year old son to not watch TV while he was supposed to be doing homework.  She pulled into the driveway one afternoon and could see the TV on through the living room window, but when she got in the house, her son was on the sofa reading and the TV was off!  So she calmly walked out to the garage, came back with a pair of wire cutters and cut the TV cable! Point made.  In spades.  (Hubby was somewhat distraught, but understanding.)

  14. I have 2 words for you ...parental controls.

    we have had that issue with my daughter the last few times we have had cable. When she started taking the remote from my hand and telling me that I couldn't watch the news because  she was watching cartoons, I locked the channells she liked. she could sit there for an hour at a time and try to unlock it, but she never guessed the code. we got rid of cable for a few years and just recently got it back. it took about 2 weeks for her to get so controlling that I put on the parental controls. the way our cable works I have to put in the unlock code for each show I allow her to watch. as for the computer...there is a way to password protect that too.

  15. You mean she does it everyday or your telling her to turn the t.v off and she wont  .... if you mean she does it everyday leave her alone just makes sure she does a little bit of reading everyday, if she isn't listening when you say turn it off you do it yourself.

  16. blame hannah montannah!!!!!!!!!

    i hate that little ******!!!!!!!

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