
If my dog won't eat it, is Macdonald's edible?

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I tried to share some fries with my dog-fries are the ONLY item I would touch at Mickey d's and only in an Emergency which it was- and she refused it. My dog is smarter than all cats and most humans;)




  1. No, McDonald's is really NOT edible. If you've ever seen the documentary Supersize me, you'd never touch it again! The fries don't even rot if you leave them out. They're not even FOOD. O_o

  2. Most dogs will eat anything, but maybe your dog likes to eat healthy. McDonalds isnt healthy, but as long as you dont eat it all the time, it wont hurt

  3. it depends on what his normal diet is. if he used to good quality meat etc then this would explain why he didn't want to munch the salty fries. good dog.

  4. mcdonalds is cardboard

  5. fries are bad, ummkay?

  6. No, it is not edible unless you are a preschooler. I think they put something in their food to make preschoolers love it.

  7. Sounds like your dog is smarter than you not wanting grease

  8. i would guess so. either way, mcdonald's is very bad for you if you eat it regularly (atleast 2-3 times a week).

  9. that junk is disgusting.

  10. lol you know i used to eat it until i found out why others don't eat it and then i thought to myself thats is specifically made for americans' stomach ewww

  11. This really depends on what you mean by "edible"

    Of course it is edible or else they wouldnt still be in business

    you can eat whatever you want and it can be "edible"

    but if you mean edible as in good for you, of course NOT.

    mcdonalds menu is packed with calories, fat, oil, and not enough nutrients.  even the salads are packed with calories, so it is ok once in a while, but it is definitely bad for you to eat it on a daily or weekly basis

    i recommend the movie Super Size Me

  12. lol. who cares as long as its not your everyday meal. your dog just too cute to be seen eating fries. what would that do to its healthy eating reputation?? =) or it just wasnt as hungry as you. wat doesnt kill you makes you fatter. lol. (only too much fat can kill you)

  13. 1) i dont think fries from Mcdees are the best thing for a dog, let alone a human. i dont think you should give your el-dog-o any fries because of the salt content. try givin it dog food.

  14. Your dog is smarter than cats? Cats don't eat french fries, either.

  15. No dogs will not enjoy it.

    Once my teenage aunt brought her old boy friend and her other friend to my house (cuz my house is cool), we went to Mickey Dee's and her friend kept giving my dog peices of her food and an hour poor dog could not stop throwing up! GROOOOOOSS!

  16. Maybe she wasnt hungry? (Yea right :P)

  17. u shoudlt feed her that s**+ t e anyway

  18. Obviously not, go with the dog!

  19. What an intelligent dog, do yourself a favour and take note of what she has just refused

  20. Your dog doesn't 'like Sugar. Good boy! MacDonald's fries are deliberately coated with sugar (seriously. look it up). This teaches little kids who are eating Kid's Meals to like the taste and to become obese life-time customers.

  21. my dog wont eat MacDonald's either, its about the only thing he wont eat, he'll try and scavenge anything but he just walks right past MacDonald's food.

  22. To my Dog only the toy is edible

  23. I was in a hurry the other day and STARVING! Asked hubby to drive through Mc Donalds (which we've not eaten at in 5 years or better) Was sick for 2 days and my dog was in the car and wouldn't eat it either. OOPs! she did eat the pickles off of a burger. Smarter than we were apparently!

  24. There are lots of products at McDonalds that i would eat befor i touch the fries... and i work there! my dog likes the 4:1 meat patty, the one on the cheese burger. He also likes the fries and McNuggets.

  25. u dont give fries to ur dog.

    u get a plain hamburger or chicken nuggets. they definatly eat them .

    use ur brain

  26. She is smarter than you too it seems.

  27. i hate to say this but your dog is not smarter then any human even one that is retarded. Another thing is dogs will eat their own c**p.

  28. Don't eat micky d's then. If your dog is smarter than you maybe he/she is trying to tell you something.

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