
If my ex does drugs and threatens me all the time that he wants to state to take the kids, so he won't have to

by  |  earlier

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pay child support, do I have to let him see the kids?




  1. i dnt knw what state u r in, but in my state (NC) even if the father signs the rights over he still has to pay child support..i would still make him pay and not see the kids until they are old enough to understand whats going on..

  2. you need to talk to a lawyer. If he has a warrant for non-payment of child support than have him arrested. I wouldn't let him see the kids odds are that he can't afford a lawyer and, wont even try to get a lawyer if he don't want to pay for them and he wants the state to take them then he don't love them and you could get a P.P.O  that covers the kids as well as your self , get him on tape with the threats. If you believe he will harm the children explain that to the judge about the protection order and that he don't pay child support. You are afraid of him because of the drugs, that the kids are in danger because of the drug use. In the mean time do not let him see the kids. He is using the kids to get to you so F*** him

  3. You need to take legal action to get full custody of the kids.  It is the only way of assuring that he will not try to take them from you and to protect them from his abusive behavior.

    I would also suggest moving farther away from him and maybe closer to relatives or friends who can give you comfort and support and help be a positive role model for your kids.

  4. Well you would have to let the court decide that.  If he has visitation appointed by the court you can't just not let him see them.  If you are concerned for their safety you need to bring it up in court.

  5. no you don't have to let him see the kids! and he is wrong, if the state  takes them you still pay child support! my husband now unfortunately lost 2 kids to CPS in his last marriage because of drugs(he and I both are recovering addicts) and the state took the kids but until he signed away his rights and they were adopted he paid child support. Not to mention, as long as you are clean and take care of them nobody will take them from you. You can go to the courthouse and talk with a family mediator for free and tell them everything. Not only will they not allow him to see the kids but they will be aware of it all in case he tried anything to jeopardize your relationship and custody of them.

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