
If my ex has my home phone number...and know people "IT"(Tech) people,?

by Guest64062  |  earlier

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Are they able to check the websites that I visit...or for instance tab my phone line to listen to conversations? Only by having my house number?




  1. no worries. it's not possible unless your ex works for the fbi

  2. depends on how savvy they are, but probably not. Make sure you are behind a good firewall, and block all incoming traffic (which is the default anyway). That will keep out 99% of the population, and most IT people too. I mean, there's no 100% foolproof way to keep people out. People hack banks and big companies too. But you can make it so difficult that they don't want to bother.

    As far as the phone side, I'm not really a telephony expert. Might want to check with your phone company.

  3. Checking your websites is easy, hacking your phone is tough, and you would need to do it physically, go to ur house and stuff, and play w/ the wires...

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