
If my female isn't in heat tonight (8:00) Then will she be in heat at 5:00AM this morning?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going to breed my hamsters and was just wondering this. Please don't tell me not to or get mad at me for breeding them because all I have is a question. Thanks!




  1. you really can't tell when she's gonna be in heat. I reaaalllyyy don't want to be one of those annoying ppl who tell u not to breed but I have some advice: research is everything. Also experience!

  2. It just depends on the hamster. Being nacturnal, the early morning hours are natural for them. Don't worry, as long as she goes into heat enough, she should get pregnate!

  3. Way to be irresponsible and add to the pet overpopulation with poorly bred hamsters.

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