
If my ferret is hurt, how can i tell if hes in pain?

by  |  earlier

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My brother didnt secure his cage, and he fell from a pretty far up 3 drawer dresser. If hes in pain, what are the symptoms? Are there any?




  1. There are many ways a ferret will show pain, some are obvious and some are very subtle. Getting to know your ferret and watching their routine will help to determine what is normal for them and when they vary from that routine then it's vet time.

    When they've taken a fall of course the obvious sign of injury is not getting up, limping, screaming or crying, etc.

    Signs of internal injury are somewhat harder to determine but if you monitor them you'll be able to spot them.

    The basics I look for are Apetite, Thirst & Hydration, Urination, Defecation, Activity level and Weight gain/loss. Any changes in these can indictate an injury or disease, chronic or acute.

    There are also the non-tangible things that you'll notice but may not be sure what they are. It's just a feeling that they aren't themselves. Trust that instinct and you'll catch an injury or illness before it sets in or progresses, changes in behavior are often the first sign that something is wrong.

    An example is I had a 3 year old ferret, he'd been with me for about 6 months and was always very aloof. One day he decided to curl up on my lap and sleep, everyone else said I was lucky he was settling down but I didn't think so; it just didn't seem like his personality. As the days progressed and he kept sleeping with me I made a vet appointment, turns out it was just in time as he needed surgery the very next day he went in. Learning what is normal for your ferret and taking note of all changes will be the best indicator if anything is wrong.

    Good luck, I hope he is okay!

  2. Take him to the vet.  If you fell from high up and couldn't speak wouldn't you want someone to try and help you?

    Or would you want someone to go on yahoo! answers and guess based on what other people said?

  3. Well my ferret has fallen from pretty high places too.  Once he laid there for a few seconds.  I was so scared my heart skipped a beat.  I went over to him and didnt know if i should pick him up or what but in a few seconds he just rolled over and kept playing.  If your ferret seems to be just as playful or just as normal as before I wouldnt worry.  Just pay attention if his behavior is starnge.

  4. Any squeaking noises will mean he is hurting; grinding of the teeth either when eating or not eating, just lying down, limping, biting hard when handled, screaming, etc.

    How is he acting now? Normal? If so I wouldn't worry too much. Just make sure the cage is always secured from now on. Otherwise set the cage on the floor.

  5. My ferret decided that he was going to do a suicide dive to the floor because he couldn't wait for me to take him out.  He plopped, layed there for a few seconds and hulled butt to bathroom to jump into the trashcan.  My two fuzzies are quite characters.  Ferrets are very limber animals.  They go with the flow so it is hard for them to get hurt unless it's like a tile/concrete floor. They can stun themselves but for the most part that's it. I still do everything I can so they don't fall from high places but there are those times that one pushes the other out of the "bed" (hammock) and he goes down to the first level.  

    If your ferret is actually hurt, you'd be able to tell by its stool.  If it's changed dramaticially with blood in it then take it to the vet immediately.

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