
If my fiance's brother invites my family to his wedding, do I have to invite his girlfriends family to mine?

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My fiance's brother is inviting my mother and sister to his wedding, they've met multiple times. Would it be impolite if I did not invite his fiance's family to our wedding? We've only met them once.




  1. no,  you invite him and a guest

  2. That’s a little odd that he would invite his future sis in law’s family to the wedding.  I would say that no, you don’t have to invite her family (I wouldn't)

  3. Thats your fiances choice. Its his side of the family. But no, if you haven't met them more then once, you don't have to invite them.  

  4. If you've only met them once, it's not impolite.

    I invited my husband's brother's girlfriend's family to our wedding, but that was only because I had been friends with her for a long time and knew her parents and sister pretty well.

  5. No, you don't. Talk to your soon-to-be brother-in-law and let him know that monetarily you can't commit to inviting them. It wouldn't be impolite.

  6. If you do not know them its not needed.  My fiances brother is bringing his long time GF and I would not consider inviting any of her family to my wedding.  that would be his brothers future family, not ours.  

  7. No. Unless you've met them and somehow feel obliged. Or if they've been together for a long time and are about to get married.

    He's invited your family because technically soon your family will be his family but if he just started dating this girl then you don't need to.

    All the best.

  8. Invite them.  We are not talking about a lot of people here.  If they don't want to come, they can decline the invitation.  Your future brother in law will be talking about the wedding, and it would be fun for them to come and wish you well.  If your future brother-in-law was kind enough to include your family, you can include his, too.  You will be with these people for a lifetime.  Give them the option to not attend if they don't want to, but do include them.    

  9. yes invite his gf , whats wrong  

  10. no

  11. No, you are not obligated to invite your brother-in-law's significant other's family to your wedding. Look how many degrees removed that is from you! I'm sure they do not expect a wedding invitation, especially since you are not close to them.

  12. No, it's not impolite. It could mean less gifts but you aren't getting married for the gifts.

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