
If my friend keeps punching me in the balls, would they have to remove one of my testicles?

by  |  earlier

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(I am serious about this, because he has a habit of punching me in the sack ) He told me it happened to a friend in high school...can it get that severe?




  1. when i do the deed i slam my balls in a drawer when i'm about to come

    the pain is horrific but the o****m is sooooo goood, better than s*x

  2. Why would you let anyone continually punch you in the balls? Have some sense. Stop him.

  3. Wait a minute! He keeps punching you in the balls, and tells you how a friend in high school had to have a t******e removed from getting punched in the balls.

    What's wrong with this picture?

    You say he's your friend?


  4. You should tell him to stop this immature game of him.

    And no,they will not take out your testicles:it will only get sore.


  5. I'm not a violent person, but one deliberate punch would be his last.

    I don't mean to sound ugly son, but you need to grow some balls (pun intended) and either put a stop to this or get a new friend.

    Is he trying to have a free feel?  Ask him.

  6. Only if he punched you so hard it damaged the t******e.

    Your s*****m would swell up noticeably in that case.

  7. lol noooo!

  8. The chances are directly proportional to the force applied to the testes. I mean, this is no place to field punches, as the chance of permanent damage can be cumulative.Taking out one of these while continuing to take shots to the other would get you down to none....wear a cup if you cant be around this person who is obsessed with testicular assault!!!!!

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