
If my growth plates are open----------?

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Please answer both questions!

I am an 18 year and 5 month old male, I am 5 feet 6 inches tall and weigh about 170 lbs. If my growth plates are still open then will I grow. I have never gotten a growth spurt for years now. Everyone in my family are not shorter than 5'10 they are all 5'10 and up. Will I have another growth spurt, I am a late bloomer because I am still going through puberty plus have a lot of acne on my face.

2) Does Super-Growth actually work, if so how many inches have you gained with it




  1. 18 year old male will continue to grow vertically untill they are about 24 so wait for it there is no need for assistance stay in the gym and make sure your bones are strong and your muscles tone stay active ad eat well let nature do the rest. . .i had a male friend i graduated high school with he was 5ft 5 and grew a whole foot between 18 1/2 & the next time i saw him at almost 20 and he was already talker than most his family. make sure your back is strong!  

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