
If my gum falls off the inside of my mouth will it grow back?

by Guest62734  |  earlier

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i tried to open something using my teeth and my gum on the top of my two big teeth got pushed up. will it grow back?? i dont want surgery because im still young like in 6th grade




  1. Show your parents, and you are supposed to be at least 13 to post here.

  2. Umm if it was just an accidental pushing up of the gums, they should come back down over the course of a week or so. You might have bruised the gum. Now, if a part of the gum actually fell off, and there is blood, etc. tell your parents. you might need some antibiotics or swish with salt water so your gums dont get infected. youre so young, if you actually did yank a chunk off, it will regrow.  

  3. most likely they will your gums will move back down a little but not too where they use to be. just keep dirty things out of your mouth, brush your teeth very gently, and rinse with warm salt water. Don't touch them with your fingers. Be really gentle on your gums for about a week.

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