
If my heart says "yes" but my head says "no", what should I listen to?

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If my heart says "yes" but my head says "no", what should I listen to?




  1. Well.....i'd suggest you to classify the conditions first...

    conditions(or situations) can be classified in 2 ways....

    1) Emotional

    2) Intellectual

    If the conditions need to have their solutions with emotions...better hear your heart.....if they're intellectual(or you can say....''digit-signified'' much should i invest in a particular company..or how can i manage my day-day accounts) then seek the permission of your heart and then follow the mind....

  2. Toss the coin!

    Any which way you decide there will always be a nagging doubt/remorse!  These conflicts are killing...

  3. You should listen to your heart otherwise your dreams wont come true and you will end up with regrets.  

  4. Whatever the ruling passion will,

    the ruling passion conquers reason still.

    D H Lawrence

  5. It really depends because if you listen to your heart it could get you in trouble but then it could also help you in the long run while your head could be telling you something but you don't even consider what your head is feeling is right for you but then on the other hand your head should be telling you the wrong thing. I'm not saying you should just listen to just your heart but you should consider listening to both of them and follow what you think is best for you and not anybody else.

    I'm sorry if I haven't helped you but this is what I think is the right thing for you to do.

  6. Your p***s.

  7. I would be torn the heart  tears you apart yet your head is the sensible one.Only you will decide.

    Good Luck

  8. Your head is not saying anything to you the way you heart is. Your head is saying to you whatever it is saying by because you are not certain as if the way you heart feels is right, you are therefore thinking, deliberating and asking for the advice of your head, the house of reason based upon knowledge and judgement.

    It is head always respond to the questions and considerations of our thought when we fail to respond to our heart as naturally and impulsively as heart by its nature is. It has a reason of its own that is based upon our instinctive nature, by which heat is house of feelings.

    If you feel now that your head is counselling you against the will of your heart then you are already delayed a decision, however for some good reason to be unfold later. That internally you are discussing the matter with what you believe is your better self. You are doing this ever since your heart made intention known to. If you had followed up what your heart is saying straight away then might have undertaken something risky, but certainly you would not have been facing the dilemma of choice you are facing now.

    Where you have two best counsellors in the world by your side, i.e. your heart and your head, to guide you, I am in no position to offer you an advice of my own. You need to make you own decisions.

  9. the one with the stronger argument.

  10. your head every time

  11. This is the teeter-totter of life.  One usually forces the other into justification.  Balance the practical portion (logic) by completing a cost-benefit analysis against how much the heart wants a 'yes'.

  12. Your head. Emotions provide a fast but sloppy response to problems.

  13. You have a choice. If you listen to you're head, will you one day regret not listening to you're heart. However, if you listen to you're heart, what if things go down the toilet? --- It's a tough one mate. Best not to take on board anything I say. I can't decide what I'm gonna have for my tea! Good Luck!

  14. It depends on the situation. I know how you feel.

  15. I listen to whichever one shouts the loudest.  

  16. As you have asked us to answer this question, you should listen to us, don't you think?

  17. unfortuantly, your head

  18. Humanity is be governed by reason and wisdom. The heart is a respondant to love, itself inspired by the mind and senses. Intellect is the highest power mankind is ruled by.

  19. have a dialogue between the two and look for their reasons. And where their points of agreement and disagreement lie.

    Decide on what basis you would go for the  yes for instance - for research to see what happens if you follow that path a little way - Sometimes it helps to know if you're trying to talk yourself into something or out of something

  20. " Your instincts "

  21. I think you should have some principles to guide you through your life, and though your heart tells you to do something, if that 'something' disagrees with those principles, I think you should try to let it go and forget (if it's love you are dealing with) and listen to your head.You have to be rational in every decision you make, even if the heart disagrees !

  22. listen to your heart because thats what you truly want

    your head is just revealing insecuties and fears

    lisen to what you know will make you happy even if its for a couple of seconds those moments of happiness can be magic

  23. There are voices that want to be heard.

  24. Listen to your heart and then wait to see if your head says no

  25. this is coming from someone who has always used her head. and now that im an adult, i have learned that the heart has its own mind. so i listen to my heart more and if the stakes arent that high or dangerous, i follow my heart's desire in a heart beat. i want to be able to live to the fullest i can possibly do. so cheer up. do what ur heart tells u to do. there's no right or wrong answer when the heart leads. only different perspectives

  26. Ask yourself why you are struggling with the answers. Weigh the real world pros and cons of giving in to each answer. Modify a new idea based on what you've learned.

  27. You should make sure both of them say yes.This may be hard,but if you manage to do so,you will definitely become mature.If you really can't,then follow your head because this is the part where your brain located.This is the place where all your thinking & belief started.

  28. HEAD!

  29. Well If They Disagree On Something Then You Have To Think Is Your Decision Something You'll Regret If You Listen To Your Head Because If It Is Then You Need To Follow Your Heart Before It Becomes The Biggest Regret Of Your Life.

  30. In romance heart.

    In business head.

    In friendships both.

    Keep it simple dude.

  31. Your Head

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