
If my highest note is 2 notes higher than a C6, what is dat note and how many octaves can i sing?

by  |  earlier

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My lowest note is an Eb3. and im sorry the highest note is actually C6. what is this range for me?




  1. that is the high E note.

    That is the 6th octave and doubt you can sing that high. Cristine Aquilera and Mariah Carey can sing 5 octave and that is more than high.

    To see how many octave yo can sing, you have to give me the lowest note you can sing and , then , take it from their.

  2. 2 octaves and a 6th from low e-flat to high c.

    a decent mezzo-soprano to soprano range. timbre, agility, and ease also are factors in determining your voice type.

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