
If my husband admits he lied about ever loving me and says he married me on a bet can I sue him for fraud?

by Guest58718  |  earlier

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I can also prove that he cheated on me.




  1. Wow, what an a**hole! You definitely can sue him for fraud, sue him for everything he's worth! Good luck.

  2. yes, it's fraud. Sue the guy for all he's worth!  

  3. im sorry what an *** and with evidence yess!

  4. if u can prove he cheated on you than yes (that must suck)

  5. No you can not.

    You should just divorce him and get support.  

  6. I think you are legally entitled to half the proceeds of the bet too. Have your attorney push for that.

  7. I can tell you in the eyes of God that marriage isn't valid!

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