
If my hyundai sonata needs new springs can i take them off other make or model?

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If my hyundai sonata needs new springs can i take them off other make or model?




  1. I wouldn't advise it.  If you get springs specifically for your Sonata, you know you're getting the correct ones.  Otherwise they may not be the right diametre.  They could also be either too soft or too hard, or too long or too short.  Any of which would give you a terrible ride and could cause many other problems as well.

  2. Unless you have actualy broken the springs, the round things, see blue in the link, then it's more likely it's your shocks that have gone, not really expensive, but dangerous not to fix them.

  3. Come off it, you were asking this a month ago. At £50 a pair, this isn't worth worrying about.

  4. No because they may be a different diameter, length and spring rate which will make your car at least ride and handle like total garbage if not be completely unsafe.  

    Do it right and get springs designed for your car.  

  5. no. you need to get new springs not used springs, they arent that expensive anyways

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