
If my kid got a ticket driving my car, will my ins. go up?

by  |  earlier

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My 17 yr old son got a ticket while driving my car, he didn't have a license, he was crossing rr tracks and passed right when the lights turned on, he said it was too late to stop, he said if he would've stopped, it would've been right in the middle of the tracks and there were cars behind him, including a police car. He wasn't on my ins. policy, do you think my ins. pyt will increase? I know, it's my fault for sending him to the store, any answers will be appreciated.




  1. If he lives with you then your insurance will need to be notified...if ever he drives your car again and he's in an accident, your insurance may not pay the claim as you neglected to give them driver information on a person in your household that has access to your vehicle.  If this happens, the moving violation will show on his records and yes, your premium will be affected.

    He either needs to be added as a driver or excluded.  Actually, that info didn't really answer your question did are not reported to your insurance company, DMV will be notified.  So if he's not on your policy, then there's no issue and no premium raise.

  2. Yes it will go up when it comes time to renew your policy.  

  3. Wow,  If he didn't have a drivers license then there would be no reason

    for him to be driving your car period. You allowed him to drive your

    insured car to go to the store.  This ticket, when it goes to court

    is what you should be worrying about at the moment. The judge will

    most likely thrown the book at him and maybe you.

    I'm sorry here, but that's the main issue.

    I'm no insurance expert but the outcome of what happens with the

    insurance company will probably stem from the court. And the

    Division of Motor Vehicles.  

  4. Yes because he didn't have a license. Once he gets his license you can put him on your policy.

  5. If you aren't making a claim for anything, I don't see how they will even know.  It shouldn't go up.

  6. That kind of mistakes should not increase your insurance premium. Don't worry, mom.

  7. There was no accident so your Insurance Company won't know about the ticket untill he gets his license and you put him on your policy. In fact, most of the time if someone gets a ticket without a license, the ticket will not show up on his record. Hope this helps.

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